There comes a time in every life long lived when one can no longer serve in the same capacity. You may feel frustrated. You may feel unvalued. How wrong you are! Should you use this time to discover what life is truly about: connection, unity, sharing, interrelating, and lifting up, you may find the end-of-this-chapter years some of the most rewarding. It is those who remain stuck in the past, dominated by thoughts of separation and each-man-to-himself, albeit as part of a team at times, who suffer. May the later years be filled with ongoing evolution as soul-awareness comes to the forefront just in time to know there is no real death, for the soul cannot die.
You are so very loved.
Fabulous message and perfect timing.
Wow! Today is my first day of retirement and never has a message meant so much to me! It’s as if it were directly meant for me…is that a coincidence?
Not at all! We are all lenses of one Light!
Amazing! I feel like this message was directed especially to me today. Thanks!!
This message came along at a time when I needed to make sense of a Loved One’s passing.
My Mother lived to be 99 years old. She would often say she felt so useless because she couldn’t do those things she used to do. My comment to her was it is a joy to be able to talk with you and share her history (which was fascinating) so it is not lost in time but can be passed to the “younger” relatives.
I am not sure my Mother found her last year very rewarding, but as for me, I don’t want to make the same mistake when my time comes.
Found this gem of wisdom very uplifting and I thank you for sharing it.
I am 61 years old and for 50 years of my life I was in the stores everyday shoplifting, in 2014 I got on my hands and knees and prayed with my whole heart and soul for God to take my addiction away, a year later I stopped and I have changed my life, I have struggled with feelings of uselessness, unworthiness, because I always provided for friends and family, and others who were in need, It was easier breaking my addiction than dealing with the feeling of change and how do I take care of everyone again, I am just grateful to have peace in my life and not looking over my shoulder in fear anymore. I had so many metaphysical experiences when I was in those stores I could write a book, and one thing I do know is since I quit shoplifting and I have dealt with this whole other reality of life, the energy has plum thrown me for a loop. I sure do appreciate your teachings. Sincerely, Brenda Lee Mitchell
I am enjoying the talks with Michael on inspired nation ☺️
I am enjoying the talks with Michael on inspired nation ☺️