You pay attention to symptoms in your body, do you not? Pay attention, therefore, when there is a twitch, a shiver, a slight bit of vertigo, or a wave of energy that passes through you. Do not immediately determine there is something wrong with you. It could well be that one you love in spirit is trying to get your attention. And all this time you have said, “They send me no signs.” Yes, pay attention. By all means, give attention to anything painful or lasting, but visits from spirit are not painful, merely attention-getting. Now, engage, converse, and learn. That is how it works.
You are so very loved.
Hope you read this before Tuesday night, Suzanne. I’ll be at the JCC in Denver for your program that night and also at your workshop on Wednesday. I recently discovered your work and am beyond impressed. I got back into NDE research a while ago with the books “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander and “After” by Bruce Greyson … I attended the IANDS conference last week virtually, and now I am extremely excited about the possibility of communicating with loved ones who have passed on … and that I have a chance to meet you in person at the JCC. My website on my work as a now-retired psychologist is … See you Tuesday evening!