There are consequences for your choices. Yes, it is easy to put blame somewhere else, but if you follow the breadcrumbs you can see cause and result in effect. Need we give you examples? It is the human way to use free will when seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, yet do you not learn from less-than-optimal choices? Do not beat yourself up. This only brings more pain. See yourself with compassion and next time you may just choose differently.
You are so very loved.
For several months I’ve been entertained by guessing the first letter of the focus idea (which sometimes is in the title, too) in the daily messages. It’s been remarkable fun. Today, as my mind’s eye whizzed fast past A-Z before scrolling down to read the daily message, it was “ch” that jumped out when I looked back at the line in my mind (and this was the first time I got a blended letter sound). I nodded when I saw the word “Compassion” in the title, and scored myself ‘very close.’ But then I read the first line in the message and saw the topic….”choices.” Fun, a solid hit!