I admit to feeling a bit of trepidation that later today I will go online before over 1200 people and channel my guides, Sanaya, to raise money for the National Alliance on Mental Health. It’s one thing to be fully prepared for a webinar. It’s another to have no idea what is going to come out of my mouth when I go into a state of deep meditation in front of everyone. To do this is possible thanks to the complete and utter Trust in Spirit that has developed over the years of daily communion with Sanaya. Today, as I sat to ask for the Daily Way message, I heard, “Do you remember the poets? Pick up your iPad and you will discover the self-same group that gave you the poems is here today and will not let you down ever.” The poem that follows flowed non-stop in a matter of minutes:
Bigotry, hatred and anger…
These are toxins that poison your society.
And yet, those who perpetuate malevolent deeds
Do gain a bit of notoriety.
Some do what they do for more attention.
It matters not if it is a negative mention
That puts them directly in the spotlight.
Having the focus on them brings great delight.
And what of you? Do you like to feel pity?
It is quite the opposite from when you are witty.
Emotions can be a powerful drug
Like a virus you would do well to debug.
Weed out those that hold you strangled
Like a carrot on a string before you, dangled.
Rage and anger may feel enticing
But dissect these emotions like an onion you are slicing.
Beneath all the layers, at the core you will find
One very peaceful undivided mind.
Emotions are to the ocean like waves
One drowns you while the other one saves.
Choose those that carry you ashore
Pay attention to their strength, this we implore.
There are those that can be quite destructive
While others are the opposite: loving and constructive.
While you cannot keep the ocean from heaving,
The wandering mind you would do well to be leaving.
Find your way home as best you can
This, dear one, is part of the plan …
At first you wander and may become a bit lost
By the waves of emotion quite roughly are you tossed
But when the scrapes and bruises get a bit too much
You’ll go in search of a softer touch.
Turn away from the anger, away from the rage,
And in so doing, you will turn a new page.
One that leads you from outer to inner.
And now you are on the path of the winner.
You are so very loved, this you will find,
When you discover that all share one great Mind.
What you call “yours” is not mighty but small
Contained within an overarching “All”.
The ups and downs are part of the adventure.
They need not hold you in a state of indenture.
With awareness will you discover the prize.
For with mindfulness, above the fray will you rise
And discover the truth that all do seek
Available to both the mighty and the meek.
There are no opposites when day and night are done,
For, in truth, at your essence, all are One.
If you would like to hear and feel these guides, Sanaya, today, click here for more information: https://suzannegiesemann.com/event/charity-nami/
We are born into a world where almost everything is upside down. Many things we are taught are the opposite of what is actually true. A simple example is the belief that everything we need is outside our body – Saviors, Gods, Money, Happiness. Those of us who have been enlightened through these daily messages, know that everything we need comes from “inside”.
Before our body dies, the goal is to turn everything right side up. To discover the way things truly are. This beautiful poem and these daily messages are teaching us the “truth” – “At our essence, we all are One.”
Thank you for this today dear Suzanne and Sanaya. It is the answer to my current raging tornado in my home these days. I am keeping mindful amid the chaos, keeping my eye on the blank slate you eloquently validated to me. You will do fabulous today. You have found your gift and I have no greater respect for the way you selflessly and enthusiastically give of yourself. You are also so very loved
So helpful that you speak openly about the challenges of operating at the level you do. Many will think it’s all so easy for you because of your strong connections with your guides, while not understanding the discipline it require to host higher beings. To whom much is given, much is expected. Your openness and honesty are helping us all grow!
I have been gratefully receiving all your Awakened Way Daily messages. I resonate with all of them, some more than others. The poem you sent today was outstanding-very moving and reminds me of how I have been given that message back in 1930, and many times since. It has been a life saver. The poem also reminds me of so many poems and messages from the guides that my wife who passed away 21/2 years ago called our Teachers, would transfer to her, which she would type. There is so much of who you are, Suzanne, that deeply blesses me in the same way she, Alicia, did and still does through my heart.
You are such a powerful gift to this troubled world! Thankyou so much, Daniel Richards
Thank you so much, Daniel. We are blessed.
I read the poem after the channeling just a Minute ago. I am still so very touched by the powerful words by Sanaya, the love which envelopses all of us. Thank you from my heart.
As a mother I love my daughter so much, even more bc of her mental health. Her suffering is mine, but I admire her too, bc of her faith in God. She gives me actually more than I can give her. I am and will always be by her side until I have to go. So I pray that she and her husband will handle over time their relationship.
I had a premonition dream, years ago. It reminded me of the waves in the ocean.: ” I saw a low flying plane over a water, and my daughter fell into that water or lake. I was waiting at the rocky shore with a blanket to wrapp around her”. At that time I did not know what it meant. But it turned out that she was in an abusive relationship with her husband. Later she got a divorce, but her mental illness became more obvious when my husband passed. She remarried but for her husband I think and feel it is very difficullt to understand. So I am riding the waves with her as long as I can. I believe in our Creator and I believe she will handle her life. This session today was so helpful and I cried the whole time, out of gratefulness of the channeling. Thank you dear Suzanne and Sanaya.
Shall we dance? With love. Forever. Thank you.
I had scheduled last night attendance for a 4 pm slot today for a 1 hr session on mediumship; had unexpected company which delayed me by 15 min; another 10 min to boot up and is now half-missed. Would like to reschedule for next opportunity but found an addt’l problem in that the LINK promised to click on for today would be available. NO LINK. No way to reschedule until my cell phone brings up arbitrarily an ad for the missed session. I also had a problem when posting to YAHOOL calendar which showed my appt at 9 pm, which I have to figure out why on my own, but knew I’d remember 4 pm today but did not anticipate intrusion into my time slot selection. Can I be emailed ASAP for another session today?
Truly brilliant, amazing and enlightening ??✨??
Hi Suzanne and team
I am in Australia and registered for the charity challenging with you today. Made my donation and didn’t receive any link to connect to join in with everyone. I so enjoy your daily Awakened messages and was very grateful for this opportunity to hear you channel for Sanya. I imagine the time difference interfered. Am I able to get an emailed copy of this session. Thank you Michelle
Hi Michelle, I’m sorry for the glitch with your link. I’m contacting you by email.
Today’s message from the poets was especially meaningful to me, just what I need to hear today. And I felt it wasn’t accidental that I opened that email and read it. Because I did, I also registered for your charity channeling. I was touched by the message from Sanaya, and also by your reaction to it. Thank you for your sincerity and the spirit of sharing and giving behind your work.
If only all of you, here, reading this poem, can believe the truth of this last line…we are all one. There is one race. The Human race! To admit that we all carry the DNA of black women in subsaharan Africa, is the hardest thing to get melaninemic people to embrace! We all share the same great grandmoms, whether you like it or not! Science has proven it! Our govt officials are desperately trying to hide that proof. Book bans and ignorant legislation will not stop the truth from being said, spread or learned. Nat Geo mag 4/2018 issue. Go learn something.
I used to believe that too. However, since I came across the teachings about Ancient Civilizations from the researcher Billy Carson here on youtube (4biddenKnowledge), I now have a totally different perspective.
The information this brother gives is truly amazing, and very hard to ignore.
Please go to his podcast and check it out. This understanding is off the charts!!
Yes, we are all one…created from the one spirit…which is the true dna.