Move Awareness outward. Take it away from yourself and notice who or what is in front of you. What an opportunity! Here it is for the taking and the giving. Every situation in which you find yourself can become a magical moment when you notice it, realize that all is in perfect order, and mine it for the gold. You say you do not experience synchronicities? God-winks require awareness. They require noticing the order beneath the chaos. They require your presence of Mind. The magic is all around you, but it is not smoke and mirrors. It is wondrous. It is no wonder you are so very loved.
I’m wondering about something. Today I was in a busy parking lot and got stuck behind someone waiting for a spot that was going to open up when the car backed out. I didn’t get impatient, just reminded myself that “this seems to be the way it’s going“ and waited behind her. Then a woman to my right was clearly getting ready to leave, so basically the spot opened up for me. Was that a synchronicity since I was quite present to the moment or just lucky?
Everything is connected, Judi. You were in the flow!
Moving awareness outward includes also asking those with whom you are connecting, for clarity of what exactly they are meaning to communicate. Assuming you understand is very risky. There are many roads to one place but there are more roads to other places. Please always keep lines of communication open with each other. It is an illusion that only loved ones fail to communicate. When it is not “entertaining” or “entertainment”, people “get sick of talk” far too soon, far too often when others are trying to communicate.