
About Post Sync

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So far Post Sync has created 333 blog entries.


2024-08-18T11:38:11-04:00August 18th, 2024|

You see the signs of a greater reality everywhere once you start looking. That is how the brain is programmed—to notice what you have set the intention to see. But you are far more than the brain’s programming. All experience is arising in consciousness even without the brain. You know [...]

Still Right Here

2024-08-17T11:25:42-04:00August 17th, 2024|

What if your loved one went off on a very long journey … decades long? Yes, you would miss them, but you would still talk to them across the miles. At times the connection might not be clear, but knowing they were there and that you will one day see [...]


2024-08-16T10:30:07-04:00August 16th, 2024|

Some ideas take a while to germinate. You have a goal, but you are not sure how to achieve it. Seed it firmly in awareness and allow it to take root. And then, even though you may not see the final result fully, hold that vision in mind as your [...]

The Slipstream

2024-08-15T10:39:22-04:00August 15th, 2024|

When you are juggling many balls at once, know that in the physical world, they may fall if you do not keep them all in the air and moving. Such stress! Now may you come to realize that there is another way. Come to know yourself beyond the physical. The [...]


2024-08-14T10:22:32-04:00August 14th, 2024|

You have more help than you know from the higher realms. We could make the analogy of a computer that has more capabilities than you are currently utilizing, for you simply do not know what you do not know. How to remedy this? Shift your focus often from your human [...]

Work or Play?

2024-08-13T10:41:19-04:00August 13th, 2024|

Do you see your tasks as work or play? Yes, of course, some of your obligations require effort which may seem arduous. We are suggesting that you look at how you look at your duties. Attitude truly does change your experience, for it affects your thoughts and actions. Which aspects [...]

Spirit’s Palette

2024-08-12T10:02:11-04:00August 12th, 2024|

Clouds pass through the sky.  They take on various shapes that remind you of loved ones who have passed.  Can you see that this is their palette?  Picture them using consciousness to gently blow the clouds into a meaningful picture … a heart, an angel, a howling wolf … [...]


2024-08-11T09:57:52-04:00August 11th, 2024|

Can you wait until the time is just right? How do you know when that is? There is a part of you that wants it now, now, now … that wants to rush and perhaps even get it over with. And there is a part of you that has already [...]

For the Whole

2024-08-11T12:20:02-04:00August 10th, 2024|

Do nothing at the expense of another. This is quite challenging for the human being who is ruled by the ego. The ego sees only separation. He or she thinks of the self only and takes actions that are self-centered. “Every man for himself” is the motto that points directly [...]

Beyond Routines

2024-08-09T10:52:17-04:00August 9th, 2024|

You have your routines, and you follow them like clockwork. But what of the part of you that is beyond clocks—that knows no time? If you are following your routines in a way that is somewhat rigid, you may miss the insights that come with flow. Be open to meandering [...]


2024-08-08T10:57:53-04:00August 8th, 2024|

The Lion’s Gate. This is a name given to this date in the world of space and time when the stars align in just such a way that manifestation becomes easier. What is it you wish to achieve? What is your dream? You co-create your desires with all of creation [...]

As Expected

2024-08-07T11:10:38-04:00August 7th, 2024|

Expectations. They can build you up and just as easily set you up for a fall when those expectations are not met in the manner you envisioned. Not everything is under your control. While this can be frustrating to the part of you that does not have the higher perspective, [...]


2024-08-06T10:19:41-04:00August 6th, 2024|

Listen carefully … The splatter of raindrops … the patter of tiny feet on the floor … When you take the time to listen, you hear all this and more. Life is passing by you. That’s the nature of its ways. It flows and it meanders Through the nights and [...]


2024-08-05T11:06:46-04:00August 5th, 2024|

You do not have to follow the crowd. You learned to do so in your childhood when you had to walk lockstep with others for various activities. Group behavior is required whilst in human form from time to time, so by all means honor that, but question your behavior [...]


2024-08-11T12:18:32-04:00August 4th, 2024|

Strike while the iron is hot. Have you thought about the meaning of this phrase? When forging an instrument from iron, it is much easier to mold it into the desired shape when the iron has been heated, warmed, and softened. The phrase means to take advantage of the optimal [...]

With Pleasure

2024-08-03T09:20:44-04:00August 3rd, 2024|

Only when you are in your chosen human role-of-the-moment can another’s displeasure affect you. And why might they be displeased? Because their chosen role comes with stipulations … rules, have-to’s, musts, and shoulds, which should you choose to not follow bring out less than positive reactions. At the level [...]

In Awareness

2024-08-02T10:51:43-04:00August 2nd, 2024|

Dreams seem very real to you when you are dreaming. That is because a dream is an experience in awareness. What you call your life is oh so very real to you when you are experiencing it. This is because it is an experience in Awareness. And what is the [...]


2024-08-01T10:48:32-04:00August 1st, 2024|

Be a light unto others. How do you do this? You pay attention to what you radiate through your thoughts, words, and actions. The part of you that innately knows the difference between light and darkness is the soul that is you here and now. Allow the soul to shine [...]


2024-07-31T10:46:41-04:00July 31st, 2024|

Influencers. Is this not what you call those who have an effect on a large segment of the population? Do you not know that there are influencers in the higher realms influencing your thoughts now in positive ways? If you would only pause, breathe, and listen. You may even—in these [...]


2024-07-30T10:29:32-04:00July 30th, 2024|

An overnight success. This is what you imagine when someone suddenly becomes a household figure. In your world of time and space, it often takes time to move from vision to experience. What you experience in an overnight phenomenon may have taken many nights. Do not grow discouraged as you [...]


2024-07-29T17:38:45-04:00July 29th, 2024|

Be true to yourself. What does this mean? You may not be able to control what others say or do. You may not know when they are being truthful or deceitful with you, but you know in your heart always when you are being truthful. As we have said, however, [...]


2024-07-28T11:18:20-04:00July 28th, 2024|

What is your reality? Why do we state it this way? For reality is relative. What is true to one person may not be true to another. You live in shared realities, much like multiple dimensions. Each is real to those living it. Keep in mind that there is only [...]

Grasp This

2024-07-27T11:15:02-04:00July 27th, 2024|

To grasp a thing has two distinct meanings: to understand something and to wrap your hands around something and hold tight. To grasp an idea means to wrap your head around it. Until you can grasp that you are both human and spirit, opportunities may slip through your hands. Once [...]

Fully Present

2024-07-26T11:21:53-04:00July 26th, 2024|

You do not have to sit and meditate to connect with your loved ones across the veil, your guides, angels, and the like. If you like, you need simply get to the point where you so fully know and trust they are ever-present as beings of light just like you [...]

With Ease

2024-07-25T10:28:27-04:00July 25th, 2024|

You know about dancing with a partner. You say that one leads and the other follows, when in fact, they move as one. There is an attunement that takes place for them to flow about the dance floor with grace and ease. If they do not tune into each other’s [...]

Outside the Ruts

2024-07-24T10:33:26-04:00July 24th, 2024|

You have your routines, and you follow them religiously, for doing so gives you a sense of security. Do you realize this is part of the body’s programming? If you had no brain, you would still exist as the being of light that you are. You would do what light [...]

I Declare!

2024-07-23T10:34:50-04:00July 23rd, 2024|

How might your choice of words be holding you back? How often do you use words such as “can’t” and “don’t”? Do these not then become your truth? Why would one even try for a new adventure if this type of statement is your declaration? You are given the gift [...]


2024-07-22T10:35:36-04:00July 22nd, 2024|

Your thoughts do determine your reality.  The brain is designed to seek out a match for the thought systems in place, filtering out all that does not match the current paradigm.  Have you ever put together a puzzle?  So many pieces from which to choose, yet you know by [...]

You are so very loved.

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