For the Lift
Why do you go to restaurants when you can cook your own food? Why do you go to concerts when you can pay a recording of the very same music? Why, it is because there is an energy shift when sharing moments of beauty with others. You are social [...]
Down and Up
Consciousness is like an elevator, moving up and down the energetic shaft that envelops and defines the body. Most humans spend time in the lower floors, if not the basement, where things can get a bit musty, stored there for so long. And what if you ride the elevator [...]
New Angles
It is quite easy to fall into the same pattern of doing things. When you only look at the front of something, you may miss the opportunity that awaits if you were to look at the back. How many times do you pick up a mirror to glance, perhaps, at [...]
Don’t Miss This Interview!
This interview of Suzanne by podcaster Alec Zeck of The Way Forward is one of the most powerful ever. The feedback from viewers shows that the energy is especially high to the point that you may well feel yourself coming into alignment with higher consciousness. View by clicking this [...]
New Article!
Suzanne is honored to be on the cover of Awakened Magazine—it’s fun that the author of The Awakened Way is now featured in an Awakened publication! This feels like a beautiful affirmation that we are all right where we're meant to be, walking the path of awakening together every [...]
That Vibrant Force
You may judge another, but do so at your own risk. This is not meant to sound ominous or threatening. It is merely a fact of LIFE* that when you point a finger at another, you are restricting the flow of the vibrant life force not only to them but [...]
You will have moments of feeling supremely connected to higher consciousness and moments when you cannot sense anything other than what you know as yourself. Do not despair. Awareness flows like tides or phases of the moon, waxing and waning in cycles. Your sense of connection may not be quite [...]
Celebrating Every Day
When a loved one has passed, you continue to celebrate their birthdays, albeit with a bit of melancholy. You count the number of years they would have celebrated had they remained in a body. Do keep in mind that the soul does not age. The soul celebrates with you, [...]
Not So Solid
“Did I just see that?” Have you not had moments when the physical reality around you changed in such a way that you question what happened? Yes, dear one, there are moments when the veil parts just enough for you to realize that all is not as it seems. Some [...]
Gratitude will get you anywhere. You most often state this phrase about flattery, which appeals to the human ego, but gratitude is far more powerful than flattery. Gratitude appeals to the soul, with the word “appeal” in this case referring to a state of resonance. Bring your human thoughts and [...]
There is much going on behind the scenes that you do not see, hear, or know about. There is much being done to help humanity evolve toward more awareness of the connections you share at the deepest level. You get glimpses from time to time and call these signs [...]
Stories are meant to be preserved. In olden days they were passed down by mouth. Today you write them and save them in various formats. Why the desire to preserve tales with beginnings and endings? Yes, they entertain, but it is more than that, is it not? Your life [...]
There are times you are misunderstood, and it leads to misalignment, angst, and division. Yet, there are times you are misunderstood, and a bit of magic unfolds. Someone misheard you or did not realize the meaning in your words, and something quite fortuitous results. How much control do you have [...]
You are often advised to follow your heart. But what if you cannot trust your heart? This means that thinking has invaded the center of your being. Sink to this center and breathe slowly. Notice any tightness that remains. Notice the frantic thoughts that accompany this tightness. Breathe, breathe, breathe [...]
Cruise with Suzanne to the Caribbean
Registration is now open for Suzanne's 7-day Caribbean Connection cruise. Imagine 14 hours of workshops on Celebrity Line's ship, "Reflection" with a group of kindred spirits. Visit Ft. Lauderdale, Curacao, Aruba, and the Bahamas! For more information, visit Suzanne's homepage and scroll down to the cruise link! [...]
Death is not the end. You hear this said and you scoff, for have you not experienced the end of the physical presence of one you love? And yes, of course it hurts deeply, for you have learned to navigate this apparently physical world with ease, and things no longer [...]
A New Book from Suzanne
If you believe only a select few ‘gifted’ people can connect with their loved ones across the veil, Suzanne's latest book will set the record straight! Mediumship: Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil will lead you to knowing that your loved ones in spirit are still right [...]