
About Post Sync

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So far Post Sync has created 330 blog entries.


2025-01-08T08:38:41-05:00January 8th, 2025|

When another does something that causes upset, do not curse them. Pray for them. When another’s behavior is not in alignment with your own, pray for yourself. Pray for all of you—those you love and those with whom you do not see eye to eye. And why would you do [...]


2025-01-07T08:16:06-05:00January 7th, 2025|

Do you grow frustrated on your spiritual path? Do you compare yourself to others and feel you should be more like this and have more of that? Frustration is an indicator that perhaps you might want to lift your oars and float a while in the stream of consciousness that [...]


2025-01-06T07:34:06-05:00January 6th, 2025|

What kind of face do you put on for the world? When one puts a camera in your face, do you not smile despite what is going on inside? This is an automatic response. Please do keep this in mind when you encounter one who is being less than [...]


2025-01-05T07:59:51-05:00January 5th, 2025|

What if you did not label all things good or bad? What if each experience simply pointed you closer to oneness, connection, growth or farther away from it? Evolution vs. entropy. Cooperation vs. chaos. Experiences have meaning that is unique to each individual dependent upon beliefs and memories or teaching. [...]

The Bigger Picture

2024-12-31T08:12:00-05:00December 31st, 2024|

The web, the web, the web. Understanding that you are interconnected with all that is, perhaps when you focus tightly on your connection with one other and wonder why your story together unraveled the way it has, you will not be so quick to place blame or feel shame. There [...]


2024-12-30T08:40:39-05:00December 30th, 2024|

You have all agreed to use a system to record the natural cycles of your world. You call this time and you create calendars. Now add traditions and celebrations such as dropping a large ball from high atop a building to signify the beginning of yet another cycle. Can you [...]

In the Rain

2024-12-29T08:00:00-05:00December 29th, 2024|

The rains come, and you duck inside. It feels uncomfortable to get wet. Is it not the same with grief and sadness?  It is okay to duck inside, but do stand at the window and appreciate the rain. See how it leads to growth. See how it is part of [...]


2024-12-28T08:24:07-05:00December 28th, 2024|

Why do you have such difficulty believing that you are a direct projection of your source … God? For stories have weight to them, and the story of God as a separate being run deep. Traditions are imbedded in the psyche to the point where you cannot see another way. [...]


2024-12-27T08:16:51-05:00December 27th, 2024|

What is telepathy, you ask? It is communication in words or thoughts that takes place without audibly vocalizing them. All communication is first and foremost energetic … ripples in a vast sea of consciousness. Because you as a soul in a body are a large wave, you can become aware [...]

Depending on Spirit

2024-12-26T08:23:36-05:00December 26th, 2024|

That depends … Do you not find yourself saying this from time to time? And oh, does the human mind kick into full gear when these words are uttered. The mind searches through options, dips into the past, forages into the future, all the while forgetting there is another way [...]


2024-12-26T08:20:25-05:00December 25th, 2024|

“Emotional investment.” This is what you have in life. If you were not invested emotionally, you would not feel the ups and downs as you do. It is alright to get emotional. It is why you came here in human form, dear soul. What do you hope will happen [...]

Without Tension

2024-12-24T08:46:01-05:00December 24th, 2024|

You tense as you envision a situation you expect to occur. You live through it as if it has already happened. And then, when it happens, you tense. And then, when it doesn’t happen, you are relieved, but you have already experienced the tension. What if, instead of envisioning a [...]

Always Building

2024-12-23T08:14:45-05:00December 23rd, 2024|

Embrace your past. It is what brought you to where and who you are today. Yes, we often advise you to be present, and that advice has not changed. But we see many of you disdaining and eschewing your past experiences and choices. True, you may wish you could change [...]

Still Here

2024-12-22T08:16:50-05:00December 22nd, 2024|

You are feeling a bit blue? We have a special prayer for you. May our words ring true as they carry you through: “Oh, my beloved, you seem so far away. I miss you more than words can say, but something inside me knows you are here, this is what [...]

When You Stew

2024-12-21T09:03:05-05:00December 21st, 2024|

When you cannot find forgiveness for another’s words or actions, there is a grand lesson awaiting you. Hurtful feelings are opportunities to help you find your way back Home without having to die. Peace and tranquility are always here for the taking, but they remain beyond arms length … literally, [...]


2024-12-20T07:42:05-05:00December 20th, 2024|

Your world is ever changing. If you hold on tightly to the past, you will suffer, for the soul incarnated as you for growth. Growth, as you see in plants and trees, moves upward. It does not stay still or reverse direction to past moments of being. Be content with [...]

In This Way

2024-12-19T08:15:51-05:00December 19th, 2024|

When will you come to trust that you are being guided moment by moment? When will you stop planning, worrying, scurrying, and trying oh so hard to accomplish all you think you must do to achieve a goal? Only when you stop scurrying and worrying long enough to realize [...]


2024-12-18T07:57:06-05:00December 18th, 2024|

Jingle bells .. pieces of metal designed to make a cheerful ringing sound when jostled about by a horse or perhaps a domesticated animal who wears them on a collar. Why do you like bells so much? They are associated with joy, motion, happy times. Do you not know a [...]


2024-12-17T08:08:02-05:00December 17th, 2024|

You do not realize you can move awareness outside of the body? But of course. What do you think happens when you dream? Do you not at times experience your dreams as another being? Yes, you say, but that is my imagination. No, dear one. That is you as awareness. [...]


2024-12-16T07:36:27-05:00December 16th, 2024|

There are times you feel a bit “off.” Simply do a review of the interactions you have had of late. Go back over the places you have visited. What kind of energy were you bathing in? Yes, bathing. The Sea of Consciousness is ever changing, ever flowing. When you are [...]

For the Lift

2024-12-15T19:48:57-05:00December 15th, 2024|

Why do you go to restaurants when you can cook your own food? Why do you go to concerts when you can pay a recording of the very same music? Why, it is because there is an energy shift when sharing moments of beauty with others. You are social [...]


2024-12-14T08:42:14-05:00December 14th, 2024|

On automatic. That is how most humans operate. And what if you operated more consciously? What would you be conscious of? You would hear the thoughts that go round and round in the mind telling you things you learned or heard as a child, many of which no longer [...]

Down and Up

2024-12-15T19:49:50-05:00December 13th, 2024|

Consciousness is like an elevator, moving up and down the energetic shaft that envelops and defines the body. Most humans spend time in the lower floors, if not the basement, where things can get a bit musty, stored there for so long. And what if you ride the elevator [...]


2024-12-12T07:53:37-05:00December 12th, 2024|

How your life would change if you remembered you are first and foremost a soul and that the role you are playing is secondary. Why, you would listen for the quiet voice of the soul before you speak or act. You would see beyond the roles of those around you [...]

New Angles

2024-12-11T06:50:29-05:00December 11th, 2024|

It is quite easy to fall into the same pattern of doing things. When you only look at the front of something, you may miss the opportunity that awaits if you were to look at the back. How many times do you pick up a mirror to glance, perhaps, at [...]

New Article!

2024-12-10T09:08:51-05:00December 10th, 2024|

Suzanne is honored to be on the cover of Awakened Magazine—it’s fun that the author of The Awakened Way is now featured in an Awakened publication! This feels like a beautiful affirmation that we are all right where we're meant to be, walking the path of awakening together every [...]


2024-12-10T08:35:25-05:00December 10th, 2024|

Patience. Things may not always go as you desire. Evolution is a by-product of trial and error. If everything unfolded with what you perceive as perfection, there would be no struggle. And struggle causes you to go back to the drawing board and find a better way. Gaze upon the [...]

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