The Journey of Remembrance is a gift for your soul and for anyone you love who needs to be reminded of the treasure that lies within.
Are you ready to cast aside the veil keeping you from full awareness of your true self? This powerful yet intimate combination of music and words—spontaneously channeled from a level beyond human awareness—has the power to awaken you to truths long-forgotten. Listen to it again and again, and honor your eternal journey with this gift to your soul.
Track 1: Introduction
Track 2: Journey of Remembrance (Featuring Sanaya)
Sanaya takes your hand and walks your soul through “The Sacred Seven” – the innate aspects of the soul. The exquisite vibrations lead to long-forgotten memories of your eternal existence, helping you to step fully into the power that is your birthright.
Track 3: The BLESS ME Meditation (Guided by Suzanne)
Travel through Suzanne’s BLESS ME method of connecting with Higher Consciousness, breathing in “The Sacred Seven” to clear energy blockages and expand your awareness. Use the free-flow of music after the guided words to experience exactly what your soul needs in this “now” moment.