Water Flow
Waterfalls … and water flows … and water gives life. Drink up. Drink regularly of this most powerful elixir. The body is a machine indeed, a vehicle in this earth school for your lessons. At times it carries you to and through your lessons. At times, in sickness and in [...]
Rise Above
Childhood imprinting. It leaves a legacy of challenges. Do you judge yourself today against some standard? Are you a bad girl when you do something wrong? A bad boy when you make a mistake? Do you see the labels, the judgments? This is human behavior and human thinking, but there [...]
Greatest Gift of All
What is the greatest gift of all? This may be answered in different ways depending upon who you ask and where they are in the journey of their human lives. For some it may be a material thing, to others, a feeling or sense of satisfaction. Do you know that [...]
Yes, there are “bad characters” out there, both material and immaterial. How could there not be in a world of duality? Does not every good story have its villain? But you need not be a victim. Only when you give undue attention to the bad actors does the play take [...]
When you become angry or frustrated with another, it is not about them. It is about your expectations of them. They are just being themselves. They are doing what they will, but you expect them to think, speak, act, and be the way you think they should. Get angry and [...]
Surfer of Joy
Surfers choose the waves they ride. They don’t hop on their board for the little ones. They go for the thriller, the big one that they know will bring them the most joy. Thoughts are like waves. They arise all around you from the Sea of Love. Notice your thoughts. [...]
With the Eyes of the Soul
They are doing the best they can, those others you may find yourself judging. Can you put yourself in their shoes? Some people cannot, you know. They have not had enough lifetimes to fully understand the human condition. If you can empathize greatly with others, understanding the lack of control [...]
You do not have to go it alone. If only you would remember this. In human goings-on you often feel like the Lone Ranger, bearing your burdens without help. Know that you are both human and spirit and that you have a team of unseen helpers. Call on them and [...]
Common Ground
Find the common ground. One of you may be on the mountain and one in the valley. It is challenging to hear each other when so far away. All roads ultimately lead to the same place, do they not? Not in the physical world, but in the world that [...]
Temperature Control
The temperature rises and falls quite naturally in the natural world. It remains steady within four walls when you take measures to control it. This is part of the human challenge: You can control your own emotional heat and cooling only to a certain extent. The body’s reactions override this [...]
The Dance
Misunderstandings occur due to language differences. You know what you are trying to express, but the other does not receive your words in the way you intended them. Be impeccable with your words, indeed, but if the word you choose is not part of the other’s vocabulary or perhaps used [...]
Rise Above
We are in this for the long haul. It is challenging to haul something heavy across a surface. Friction causes heaviness. Rise above the differences in texture and there is no friction. We see you from above. We can help you from this spaceless place where there is no friction. [...]
Be Here Now
We are making up for lost time. Do you not say this from time to time? Look how you are ruled by the concept of two hands that chase each other around the face of a clock in quite a mechanistic race of getting nowhere. Do not make up for [...]
Settle In the Heart
Disdain is a form of judgment. You call it “looking down your nose” for good reason. When you feel yourself higher than another and look down upon them, you are not seeing eye to eye. You may not always agree with another at the human level, but at the deepest [...]
You may grow discouraged as you see your fellow human beings treat each other badly. When will the brutality end? When you cross the veil, dear one. But do not leave yet. You came into a body for the fullness of the experience, which includes trying out all the ways [...]
Always Together
What if you died today and met your loved ones face to face? Those who have done so in what you call your Near Death Experience and came back to share their stories assure you this is what happens. And why did they come back? At the soul level, [...]
Pass It On
Note from Suzanne: The date of September 11 causes many of us to reflect on the events that happened 22 years ago. I was stationed at the Pentagon the first time in 1995, working in the Navy section. There was a civilian man who wandered the halls every day handing [...]
Rise and Shine
Uplifting others. How often do you do so? It is a gift you can give freely—a kind of service. It takes very little effort, time, or cost. A word of encouragement, a smile, a listening ear that says, “You matter.” And the most wondrous result: in uplifting others, you [...]
That is what you are. Do you not yet realize this? Why are you drawn to a magnificent view, a magnificent mountain … magnificence of any kind? It is because like attracts like. You came from Magnificence. Magnificence is all there is, trying so very hard to express itself. [...]
Give It a Whirl
Are you up to the task? You need do nothing. You do not have to rise to any challenge, but why is there this urge within you to try? For you are an aspect of Consciousness, and Consciousness so enjoys growing, expanding, and building upon that which has come [...]
Love your anxieties. Love them to pieces. Literally. As you become aware of that anxious, prickly feeling in the body—the one that comes with a voice that says, “I must, I have to, what if I do, what if I don’t …” – grasp it gently like an object, [...]