The temperature rises and falls quite naturally in the natural world. It remains steady within four walls when you take measures to control it. This is part of the human challenge: You can control your own emotional heat and cooling only to a certain extent. The body’s reactions override this mental thermostat at times based on others’ temperatures. Maintain awareness of the climate and you will not overheat quite so much. You are so very loved.
Just this week i ran into a situation that mentally and emotionally brought back the 3 year old disgust, anger and deep disappointment from a very crucial period in my life. At the time, i held my patience, but in that 3 years ago, my patience was mistaken for arrogance.
This time, i would not repeat that patience and i cannot say i am pleased about the way i responded, but i am content in the honesty i felt at the blithe uprooting of that past. Still, i gotta say, my honesty was a selfish act that i could not (in that moment) avoid. Our weaknesses catch us point blank at times.