
About Post Sync

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So far Post Sync has created 176 blog entries.

One Center

2024-09-16T10:40:41-04:00September 16th, 2024|

Nested dolls.  There can be no better analogy for your true nature than this.  You find yourself now in a very dense world, feeling quite separate from others.  But what if the center of you is also the center of a soul, which is the center of an even [...]

Standing Out

2024-09-15T11:18:45-04:00September 15th, 2024|

You cannot be all things to all people. So many people ask things of you, often pulling you in different directions. What to do? Learn to just be. Sit quietly and watch all the thoughts and demands float through the mind like clouds through the sky. In between the clouds [...]


2024-09-14T11:22:49-04:00September 14th, 2024|

Your connection with the higher realms fluctuates from moment to moment, day to day, and so forth. Do you not see this with your cellular phone signal as you move about closer and farther from an antenna? It is not location that keeps you connected or feeling more distant, but [...]


2024-09-13T10:48:41-04:00September 13th, 2024|

You never know how much healing can take place, so why don’t you go for it? Be willing to look at your fears, your doubts, your angst with curiosity. “Where are you coming from?” you may ask. Do not simply wonder, dear one. Sit quietly and know there is a [...]

Good Tension

2024-09-12T10:55:46-04:00September 12th, 2024|

Complacency. It has a similar energy to boredom. When things do not change and remain always the same, there is little motivation for growth. We are speaking of drama today. If you were to watch a favorite show and suddenly everything is going along swimmingly, after a while you would [...]

Out of There

2024-09-11T10:42:33-04:00September 11th, 2024|

There are certain things you wish to do that you know may be enjoyable in the short term, but they may not be completely aligned with your greatest and highest good in the long run. And yet, you do them anyway. And when you do, perhaps you feel regret, or [...]

Safe and Loved

2024-09-10T10:43:46-04:00September 10th, 2024|

Frantic. You know this word and the feeling it represents. The feeling causes you to stop what you are doing and focus all of your attention on filling that need that is filling you with such fear. And yes, fear is what is at the basis of frantic feelings. As [...]

Lost and Found

2024-09-09T10:46:17-04:00September 9th, 2024|

Perhaps you use the term “lost” when referring to one who has crossed the veil. “I lost my loved one.” They remain lost only until you come to understand the nature of consciousness and reality, which is made up of energy and information unfolding in experiences that flow like water. [...]


2024-09-08T11:08:13-04:00September 8th, 2024|

Trust that those you love who have passed are still with you. Perhaps you do not feel their presence. Do not take this as evidence that they do not exist. Can you feel the frequencies that produce your television programs? No. Not until you turn on the perfectly-tuned instrument designed [...]

Beyond Time

2024-09-07T11:37:44-04:00September 7th, 2024|

Why can you not predict everything? For in your current reality, time plays an integral role. It allows for cause and effect. Choices are the cause of the effects. If, as happens in the non-physical realms, all unfolds at once, such as in your dreams, the learning would not be [...]

Underlying It All

2024-09-06T10:42:55-04:00September 6th, 2024|

If you could but see the souls of all those around you, you would see them dancing, flowing, interacting without pause, without judgment, with total and utter Joy. In this case, Joy is not gleeful happiness that has an opposite. It is an underlying knowing that all are connected, that [...]

The Embrace

2024-09-05T11:17:49-04:00September 5th, 2024|

“I don’t know what to do,” you wail, and we understand. Now, instead of wailing to no one in particular, wail to the One that people turn to when distressed. “Oh, God, help me,” you might wail. And then, if you will let of any concept of a God who [...]


2024-09-04T11:19:48-04:00September 4th, 2024|

You clean your teeth daily. Why? For there is an unpleasant taste that builds up if you do not do so, and this can lead to decay. Do you know that unpleasantness can build up inside of you unless you take action to prevent decay? Energy flows. That is its [...]

Not leaning

2024-09-03T11:10:38-04:00September 3rd, 2024|

As you find yourself making excuses for your expected performance in what you are about to do, simply notice this. You would not be making such excuses if you were not in “only human” mode. Yes, there is always the possibility that you will not do as well as you [...]

Make the Ask

2024-09-01T10:56:44-04:00September 1st, 2024|

Do not fret about a project with a deadline. Surrender it — turn it over — to your unseen helpers at the higher level. They know all about it and work beyond space and time where there are no deadlines. Begin small with a simple task and make the ask. [...]

So Beloved

2024-08-31T11:48:24-04:00August 31st, 2024|

There is likely some person or animal companion who you love or have loved without condition. Yes, they had their perceived so-called faults, yet you accepted these as part of their being and loved them fully. Tell us, why can you not do this for all beings? The answer is [...]


2024-08-30T09:18:11-04:00August 30th, 2024|

You say that crowds drain you. Well, of course they do if you say this, for in so saying, you constrict, and in so constricting, the natural flow of the Force that breathes you constricts as well. You breathe more shallowly. The muscles contract. You cease to flow, even though [...]


2024-08-29T11:22:26-04:00August 29th, 2024|

You, the soul, have taken on the opportunity of a lifetime: to live in a body that comes with programming … software, as you might call it. This programming causes you to automatically see separation and act to protect what seems to be a separate self. Did you know [...]

All Things

2024-08-28T11:59:36-04:00August 28th, 2024|

You may find your differences in others. Love them anyway. You may focus on what separates you. Love them anyway. You may never see eye to eye. Love them anyway. “But how can I love someone who thinks and acts differently than I do?” You may ask, and the answer [...]

Up and Down

2024-08-27T11:23:25-04:00August 27th, 2024|

See consciousness like an elevator. Your awareness can slide up and down through various levels or dimensions, and all are joined by the shaft. At the center of the mechanism is the control center, powered by a Source beyond yet part of the elevator. You are not stuck on one [...]


2024-08-26T11:29:47-04:00August 26th, 2024|

When you only see the world through one lens, you are not free. Suffering ensues from limited thinking. Do not judge yourself for being human. The human brain is designed to keep you in a limited mindset. But you are far more than the mind. Freedom is a natural state [...]


2024-08-27T06:55:18-04:00August 25th, 2024|

Flexibility of viewpoint. This is what will help you to step more into soul awareness and see your challenges from the higher perspective of those in the higher realms. You are both human and a soul. As such, you can choose your perspective:  limited and focused narrowly or expanded. You [...]


2024-08-24T10:36:28-04:00August 24th, 2024|

He said, she said. How many times have you quoted another second hand as if this is an authority to be referenced? Can you truly be sure what he or she said? “Yes, but, that is what I have been told,” you insist, and why insist at all. The game [...]


2024-08-23T10:11:22-04:00August 23rd, 2024|

You all have your secrets—those thoughts and actions taken that you hold inside you, thinking that if you shared them with others they would think less of you.  Possibly that is true, for others are temporarily human as are you.  There are many who do not realize who you [...]


2024-08-22T10:19:19-04:00August 22nd, 2024|

Healing takes place naturally under favorable conditions. The body knows how to attain and maintain balance and health. Look at a wound and watch how it heals when kept clean and unbothered. You wish to heal emotionally? Do not bother your wounds by ruminating about the past. Be present without [...]

From Another Room

2024-08-21T11:29:03-04:00August 21st, 2024|

Have you ever heard a television or radio on in the background—perhaps in another room? The volume is low compared to what is going on around you, yet now and then you pick up words and phrases that stand out. This, dear one, is a good way of understanding your [...]

The Way of Things

2024-08-20T10:45:18-04:00August 20th, 2024|

Do not measure your impact or influence in terms of numbers. Know that you are here for your own ability to love. How are you doing with this task? Do you judge others on a human scale or see them first and foremost as souls like you who came here [...]

Bouncing Around

2024-08-19T10:28:41-04:00August 19th, 2024|

Misunderstandings arise from limited viewpoints. You are not limited, yet it is very easy to be like a ball on a roulette wheel and settle into one of many slots. Spin the wheel another time, why don’t you, and see how the view looks from a different space. This is [...]


2024-08-18T11:38:11-04:00August 18th, 2024|

You see the signs of a greater reality everywhere once you start looking. That is how the brain is programmed—to notice what you have set the intention to see. But you are far more than the brain’s programming. All experience is arising in consciousness even without the brain. You know [...]

You are so very loved.

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