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Don’t miss this wonderful free event presented by The Shift Network: the Beyond the Veil Summit!  Whether you’re looking to gain meaningful closure around the passing of a loved one, or wanting to glean insights into how to live fully in the here and now, this unique online event will guide you deeper into appreciation and awe for the preciousness of life, provide a deeper sense of belonging in the shared human experience, and expose you to meaningful stories and insights into death, consciousness, and the beyond. My fellow presenters and I will share illuminating conversations about encounters with “touching the veil”: facets of death and the afterlife, life-changing evidence from the spirit realms, and true stories that hit a new level of awe.  You’ll be exposed to uncommon and miraculous experiences now being validated by a growing body of scientific research.

The summit is absolutely free and you can enjoy it all from the comfort of your home!  CLICK HERE to register.



You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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