Why do astronauts venture into outer space?  To discern things and worlds unknown.  To go where no man has walked before.  They do this at times at great peril.  Do you know that you can venture into deep
space yourself at no risk and discern worlds upon worlds of great beauty, great
peace, and love?  You do this by
traveling into the depths of your own being, the inner space of the soul.  Do not think that you need have an out of
body experience.  Your consciousness
already exists out of body.  You merely
need drift with your consciousness beyond the awareness of the body.  Paradoxically, you can do this by centering
on the heart or by shifting your consciousness above the crown.  It is all consciousness.  There are a multitude of methods, but all
lead to the same expanded state.  It is
in this state that the adventure begins. 
So suit up, and take a deep breath, followed by another, and another,
and another, and another, and another …