

2021-01-11T07:04:30-05:00January 11th, 2021|

Circular movements represent the shape of creation.  All arises from the void and returns again to silence.  All is vibration.  You arose from the mind of the Divine Mind, beginning as pure spirit and to Spirit you will return.  You experience what you know as birth and death, but these [...]


2021-01-10T07:31:11-05:00January 10th, 2021|

How do you find peace? By going within. Certainly, it can be found outside of you, but not for long, for that is not the nature of the external world. There you may get shaken up a bit, tossed about by the waves, and that is as it should be. [...]


2021-01-09T08:23:59-05:00January 9th, 2021|

You see a snake and you recoil in fear.  This is the way the human is programmed to act.  Even if no one in your current life had told you to be cautious, it is hard-wired into your brain from the collective consciousness.  So many of your actions are taken [...]


2021-01-07T08:07:39-05:00January 7th, 2021|

Millennia have passed since the passing of the one you call the Nazarene. He stood as a model to all of peace and loving kindness, and yet you still have wars. Mankind still fails to understand their oneness with each other and with all living things. Do not be discouraged, [...]


2021-01-06T07:55:11-05:00January 6th, 2021|

When troubles in your human role mount one upon another, it is no wonder you may feel burdened and disconnected.  It is for these times that you maintain a regular practice of connecting with those in the higher realms ... a practice of meditation.  Can you imagine if you felt [...]

Flowing Forward

2021-01-05T13:30:00-05:00January 5th, 2021|

You want to go back to the way things were.  You miss the Good Old Days.  Who’s to say something better isn’t just around the corner?  You are a soul in evolution.  You are part of humanity in evolution.  The spiral of evolution is ever onward, ever upward, and this [...]


2021-01-04T08:37:03-05:00January 4th, 2021|

Do you know that you can become addicted to drama?  “No!” you exclaim.  “I choose peace!”  Yes, and then you turn on your favorite drama on the television and get drawn in by the characters, who appear to know nothing of the greater reality, and how they suffer.  You identify [...]

With Compassion

2021-01-03T08:54:04-05:00January 3rd, 2021|

You hear bad news from one you care about, and instantly your heart goes out to them.  Compassion and your innate connection as souls is what causes you to feel their pain.  The human side will reach out and comfort.  This is why you are here ... to embrace this [...]


2020-12-31T08:31:46-05:00December 31st, 2020|

Why do some linger and linger and linger when the body has given out?  For the will to live, the impulse to continue the bodily experience is so strong.  It must be thus.  Life is an acronym for Love In Full Expression.  You are here for the fullness of it [...]


2020-12-29T08:29:36-05:00December 29th, 2020|

Demands on your time pull you this way and that.  You know this feeling so well.  But are they truly demands?  Who is doing the demanding?  Is it some external boss or is it a bossy voice within?  The true Boss does not demand anything.  If you are feeling bossed [...]

In Asking …

2020-12-28T08:06:49-05:00December 28th, 2020|

Trust that the answers you seek are coming.  You want them now now now.   That is the human way, but the answers are coming from beyond the human realm.  Is that not why you asked Higher Consciousness to help you?  Now trust the timing of the answers.  All unfolds perfectly [...]

In Celebration

2020-12-27T08:19:09-05:00December 27th, 2020|

There is nothing wrong with sharing your joy at your accomplishments.  Why do you do things?  That is the question.  For the attention from others?  Yes, that feels good, but it is short-lived.  Others have their own lives.  Share your good news for the mutual enjoyment of celebration.  You are [...]

This Moment

2020-12-26T08:53:34-05:00December 26th, 2020|

So many are in a hurry to have 2020 behind you.  Yes, life flows in cycles, and New Years are the start of one of the greatest you experience, but what of each day?  Do not believe that the calendar will turn on January 1st and suddenly all of your [...]


2020-12-23T08:46:41-05:00December 23rd, 2020|

A journey begins with a single step.  You may have heard this, and it is true.  What are you waiting for?  Take that step and test the waters.  Does fear arise?  What have you or others been telling you?  Does your heart know better?  Why this pull to step forward [...]

Standing for Love

2020-12-22T08:55:12-05:00December 22nd, 2020|

One with whom you interact regularly may never change.  Can you live with that?  What does this mean for you?  You face a choice.  You can become frustrated, angry, flee, fight, or face one other option:  change the way you perceive this.  Unless you are endangered, this discomfort in you [...]


2020-12-21T08:21:10-05:00December 21st, 2020|

How often do you notice the signs around you from the greater reality?  They are not “stand-alone.”  They come with timing … coincident with thoughts of a loved one.  What does coincidence mean?  The coming together of timing:  co-incidents.  You have given this word the connotation that somehow this co-incident [...]


2020-12-20T08:41:38-05:00December 20th, 2020|

Grief comes in waves, and often when you least expect it.  Allow it to wash over you.  Perhaps it will even knock you off your feet.  And after it passes, you will pick yourself up and brush off the sand, soothing those spots where you may have been rubbed a [...]


2020-12-19T08:28:50-05:00December 19th, 2020|

The difference between duality consciousness and unity consciousness is profound.  In the former, you appear to be separate from all others, and clashing is nigh unto inevitable.  In the latter, you experience total connection. You do not think about the connection, for then you are still in duality.  Nay, you [...]


2020-12-17T08:05:23-05:00December 17th, 2020|

Boundaries.  They are not always solid like a fence around a yard.  Yet, when you are told to have boundaries as a person, there is the tendency in the human to erect an energetic wall around the self.  One can have boundaries without walling off one’s love for others.  Let [...]

In Progress

2020-12-16T08:27:39-05:00December 16th, 2020|

You may think you conquered a challenge long ago, and then it rears its ugly head.  Same old same old.  What is going on here?  Could it be that you have changed, and it is time to change the way you handle things?  You are a work in progress.  You [...]


2020-12-15T08:34:22-05:00December 15th, 2020|

Ease into life.  Are you efforting?  It need not be so hard.  There is a grand difference between trying and flowing.  Flowing does not mean you do not take action.  Yes, there is “work” to do to experience life, but when you allow your team of unseen helpers to assist [...]


2020-12-14T08:44:26-05:00December 14th, 2020|

You place your hands on a keyboard, be it a piano or a computer, and you pause.  In that moment there is a buzz.  This is potential!  You can, in this moment, create anything!  You can play or type what has been created before, or produce something completely novel.  You [...]


You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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