teddy-1364124_640Suspicion.  It is a by-product of the reptilian brain that all of you have.  This first and oldest part of the brain that arose in your cavemen was designed for safety and survival.  All newcomers were suspect until proven not a threat to the group.  You still have these suspicions hard-wired into the body, but this programming can be over-ridden with the conscious intention to see with the eyes of the soul, which is quite separate from and will far outlive the brain. Yes, of course as a human being living amongst other humans who do not remember their true Home, you are well advised not to completely forsake your human brain and its instincts, but they can take a back seat to the soul until needed.  Without immediate suspicions, you engender the bond that all souls enjoy.  Meet others for the first time without suspicion, and enjoy bonding at the human level.