You want your neighbors to stop quarreling so that you may
find some peace.  You want that other country
to be at peace so that you will feel safe. 
You want your partner to stop throwing things so that you will not be
hit.  All of these are good motivations,
but there is one even higher.  Can you
desire peace in the heart of others simply for their own growth and good?  This is altruism. 

Do you know what the result of others’ peace is?  Peace for all, and thus for you.  Why does it work this way?  Because you are all one … leaves on the same
tree, fed by the same Source.   You all
share the same roots.  Step outside of
your self-concerned viewpoint and your heart expands to take in all
others.  When you can desire peace in the
heart of all others for all others’ sake as much as for your own, because there
is nothing that is one’s own, then you have arrived.  Arrived where?  At the understanding that All is One and you
are That.