Why is trust such a hard thing for you to learn?  Because in the past you have trusted and have suffered a perceived hurt or things did not go as you planned.  “You” is the important term in this case.  There is a little “you” and a “You” that is far grander.  Whilst focused on the human side, when things do not go as you intended, you see this as failure. What does You see?  The greater Self sees the big picture. 
Whilst standing in the puzzle, you only see the adjacent pieces.  Step above the card table, and now you see the entire picture as it comes together.  “Aha!” you say.  “Now I see!”  I wanted to place a certain shaped piece next to me, but it fits far better over there.  The best piece for this situation is lying yonder.”
Do you get it now?  That which you considered failure is only so when seen with limited vision.  Trust that all is in perfect order always, and a door that closes or fails to open is doing exactly what it should for the greater good.
Relax and trust.  Surrender and allow.  Oh, such peace that comes when you rise above the smaller self!