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The perfect opportunity to experience Suzanne channeling Sanaya live online and support a wonderful charity for children with cancer.


Care Camps is a non-profit organization that provides support to send kids with cancer to medically supervised cancer camps where they can have fun, build awesome friendships, feel the joy that comes from camping and spending time in nature. The kids make memories that will help them heal and ultimately return home feeling renewed and filled with hope. You can CLICK HERE to read much more about Care Camps for Kids.

The average cost to send a child to camp for a week is $2,050. But there is never a cost to the child or family to attend. Care Camps continues to grow and currently supports 139 children’s oncology camps across North America. Care Camps states this as their reason for existing: “HOPE. Hope for a bright and healthy future for children with cancer. Hope that their families receive the support that they need during a difficult time of their lives. And the hope that comes from making connections with others that know your journey, and say to you, ‘We’re in this together’.”


Care Camps was started in 1984 by the KOA (Kampgrounds of America) Owners Association and they rate 4 out of 4 Stars based on Charity Navigator performance criteria. KOA provided funds to support the administration of the organization.


Suzanne goes into a deep meditative state and becomes the voice for her team of guides in spirit who call themselves Sanaya. CLICK HERE to see Suzanne describe more about channeling and how she channels Sanaya.

You will find a place on the registration form to add the name(s) of loved ones you would like to remember with your contribution. The full list will be presented to Care Camps and included later in the video description. As we honor the lives of those we remember, they are well aware of this act of compassion in their name and there is joy on both sides of the veil!

I am so grateful for the gift of being able to share Sanaya’s words with you. I never know what Sanaya will talk about except that their words will be filled with love and directed to the audience gathered. The value of this wisdom and inspiration coming to you directly from the spirit realms is not measured by a price tag. It is honored by your compassion and generosity. We request a minimum contribution of $15 and I thank you for giving more as your circumstances allow.
100% of your contributions for this event will go directly to Care Camps.

With love,

IMPORTANT LOGIN INFORMATION: The channeling session will be on Zoom. Your link to log in on November 20th is printed on the “YOUR ORDER FROM SUZANNE GIESEMANN” email that you receive immediately after making your contribution.


If you don’t receive a “Your Order from Suzanne Giesemann” email after making your contribution, let us know right away: admin@suzannegiesemann.com. You will also receive a “ticket” email. We have no way of adding your link to this “ticket” so be sure to follow the directions above.

We are asking for a minimum contribution of $15 per person and ask that you please increase that amount as generously as you can. Let’s show the kids of Care Camps that we really do CARE!

Note: No one is turned away from this event because of the inability to make a contribution. If you are not able to make a minimum contribution, please let us know at admin@suzannegiesemann.com and you will receive a link.

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

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