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This is not just another conference … Emergence 2021 is an event that was created specifically for this time in history … and for all the challenges and opportunities that are unfolding in the world today. All of the speakers, topics, and content were chosen with guidance and inspiration from Spirit for this event in Salt Lake City in November of 2021. 

Suzanne was a keynote speaker at the previous Emergence conference and knows first-hand that it was an incredible experience.  She is honored t0 be asked to present a keynote address again along with other spiritual leaders such as Don Jose Ruiz, Michael Sandler, and Richard Rudd.  She will also hold a workshop and channeling session with Sanaya. Suzanne will present, “Lucid Living Here and Now on Saturday evening, and “Tools for Living the Awakened Way” on Sunday morning.  She will channel Sanaya on Sunday evening.

CLICK HERE for conference details and registration information.

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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