I want EVIDENCE of the higher realms, being a former left-brained U.S. Navy Commander! When I tell you that angels are real, it had better be backed up with verifiable information and explanations that leave no doubt in your mind. So, what is this evidence? Join me for the Messages of Hope Podcast on Sunday, October 8, to hear it first-hand! You’ll hear some incredible “NOE” (no other explanation) stories about angels, experience me channel my guides in spirit, Sanaya, to answer your questions about angels, and you can take part in an exercise to reach out to the angels. Here are some of the questions that have been submitted: * What is an angel? * Do angels really have wings? * Can all angels provide healing? * Are all of us assigned an angel? * Do angels help us at the moment of death? This will be a fascinating hour! Mark your calendar and join us.
You can listen to past Messages of Hope podcasts on any of the major online players. Enjoy this wonderful collection of inspirational and informative shows! Videos of past shows are found on Suzanne’s YouTube Channel.