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Learn from verified evidential medium, Suzanne Giesemann, interact with Suzanne and fellow students in this live online class, participate on the private Facebook Page and enjoy the recorded sessions for a lifetime.  Open to your highest self and learn to communicate with deceased loved ones and help others make connections with the spirit world — for healing, closure, and a happier life.  When you embrace your mediumship skills, life here on Earth takes on a hopeful new dimension. Even death feels a lot less scary as you come to understand that your soul lives on — and so do the souls of your loved ones who have passed.  As you reach across the veil, you can help both the living and the departed find comfort — as you cultivate a deeper understanding of others, extend and receive forgiveness, and experience closure.  In this 7-week live online course hosted by The Shift Network you will cover topics such as:

  • A proven 7-step method for connecting with higher consciousness
  • How to implement every step of a private mediumship session
  • How to train your mind to focus and attune to higher consciousness
  • Why spirits show up in different ways and how to deal with these differences
  • Ways to create the most coherent environment within and around your energetic field — to optimize your ability to sense and be the interpreter for those with messages to be delivered
  • How to dissolve limiting subconscious filters that might be holding you back — as you open to vast possibilities
  • Why mediumship matters to those in the spirit world as much as it does to the living
  • How to create a reliable and replicable list of possible evidence that you want those in spirit to give you each time you connect
  • How mediumship helps your own soul’s growth
  • How and why the light within you serves as your innate protection
  • How to overcome your physiological and mental filters
  • The optimal methods for self-care between and after readings
  • How to maintain the highest ethics in this work, and why this matters
  • And much more…

Go to this link to read more details about each of the modules in the course and find registrations details: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/smSG/a20283/

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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