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Suzanne will join over 100 transformational leaders and spiritual visionaries including Deepak Chopra MD, Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith, Bruce H. Lipton, and Neale Donald Walsch for the FREE ONLINE 2022 Global Oneness Summit sponsored by the international non-profit organization, Humanity’s Team. You are invited to join hundreds of thousands of like-minded people from around the globe to experience and explore all the ways humanity can come together to celebrate, expand, and evolve the understanding of Oneness and this moment’s unique opportunity to birth a Glorious New World where everything and everyone on the planet can flourish.

The Summit kicks off with Opening Ceremonies and the “International Shout Out Love Day” on Saturday October 15th, and there will be 60 exciting and uplifting events over the course of the Free 10-Day Summit. Join in to experience a wide variety of formats and experiential events this year, including musical artists, meditations and mindfulness exercises, a Women’s Wednesday packed with transformational female leaders, documentary films, and more.

The goal of the Summit is for everyone in the world to be able to live their lives from an ecstatic place of Oneness throughout each and every day, feeling that connection, and caring about the wellbeing of everyone else.

Suzanne will present on:
Wednesday, October 19th at 4:00 PM Eastern time (1:00 PM Pacific time) and
Friday, October 21st at 2:30 PM Eastern time (11:30 AM Pacific time) Michael Sandler joins her for this discussion.
You won’t want to miss either of these high energy sessions!

WHAT AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR SOME OF THE BEST SPIRITUAL LEADERS IN THE WORLD! The entire summit is FREE and on top of that there is a bonus when you sign up:

All registered receive a link to for an exciting, brand-new 60-minute video program with New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden, called “FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING: Revolutionary Breakthroughs That Will Shape Your Future.”

If you can’t attend the sessions live … register anyway … everyone registered has access to the session recordings for 24 hours.



You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

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