Be in the world, but not of it—one of the wisest sayings you can follow. You walk for a time in a human’s shoes, but you need not assume the clothing of the body as your identity. In fact, it is this very outer clothing that does mask the real you—one who is one with the Creator. Unmask yourself. Disrobe completely from the body and all are alike. There is no longer the competition of who wears the finest clothes, who owns the finest things, and who has the greatest beauty. There is only Love and the expression of Love toward others.

You need not die to learn this truth. You need not die to act as a loving spirit without a body. Be in the world, as you are now—with a body and all the trappings of life in the physical plane—but be of spirit in mind and in loving action in each moment. There you will find peace—when all attachments are gone, when all fear has been replaced by the understanding that you are Spirit here and now.

Be in the world. Sit back. Observe and nod your head at all you see and say, “That’s Life … good and bad … That’s Life.” You are merely here to play a part. How will you play it today?