The part of you that is spirit only knows one tense:  the present tense.  The part of you that is ego knows two others:  past and future.  This constant drifting in and out of past tense and future tense keeps the body tense, and ego enjoys this game.  Tension maintains separation and maintains ego’s perceived power over spirit.  Peace allows you to know oneness.  Peace is found in the present. 


Remaining present takes awareness of the thoughts.  Thoughts bounce from past to present to future to past to future to present and so on like a ping pong ball out of control.  Back and forth you go, from worry to pain with moments of equanimity in between, but just enough uncertainty for ego to run rampant.


“Be here now” – excellent advice for finding peace.  Grab the ping pong ball and plant it firmly in your lap for a few moments each hour.  Breathe deeply and simply sit with your focus on your breath or on a peaceful phrase.  “What good does that do?” you ask.   Quite a bit, you will find, if you try it.  For just a few moments you are present.  No worry.  No fear of the future.  No pain from painful memories of the past.  You are simply watching the breath like soft clouds that float past, and in that moment you are free of ego’s grip—a free spirit—and that is the present all can enjoy.