rose-591087_960_720How many ways can you love?  The essence is the same, but because there is limitless diversity in your world, you will find different ways of interacting with others.  Do not mistake soul love with human love.  As a human you love one thing about this person and you love another thing about that person.  The underlying love is the same, even though parts of it may feel different.  The soul knows the difference,** and so, instead of love, which carries human connotations, you may call it “soul joy” when the surface differences cause you to think you love differently.  New relationships are this way.  They are different on the surface but underneath, the soul says, “Such joy … such joy to love again and again.  Underneath, the joy never ceases.  To bring that essence to the surface is your task.

**Note from Suzanne.  It is at this point in taking dictation from Sanaya in this morning’s meditation that a miracle occurred (a miracle is my word for when the connections between the physical and non-physical dimensions become apparent to us here).  I had been meditating to Jim Oliver’s “Radiant Heart,” and right here in this message my iPhone music switched to Jim Oliver’s “Soul Joy,” which is not even next in the cue.  Then I felt the very clear presence and heard a personal message from two spirits – spouses of two friends I know.  These friends are meeting today for the first time.  As tears flowed down my face, the spirits delivered a message for their beloved partners (which I will pass to my friends for them) along with their blessings and this message for all of us through Sanaya: Soul love is pure soul joy.

To find Jim Oliver’s Soul Joy composition (extended play), scroll down on this page.