Silver linings on the clouds. What causes them? It is the bright light of the sun shining forth from behind this massive form. A light shines inside of you at all times. Do not at times others tell you that you have a glow about you? It is at these times that you are allowing the light inside you to be felt. It is visible to others and tangible to you in the form of joy, love, and peace. This is your silver lining.

How do you bring forth the glow? You must rid yourself of blockages—these mental obstacles that hide your inner light. Only you can do this for yourself. Work through your energy centers one by one, shining and polishing them in your mind, seeing them as purified. Do not be surprised if old issues come to the surface. Once exposed to the light, you can now release them.

This is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of purification, for the human does gather dust. Clear out the obstacles regularly and allow your light to shine.