Self worth. You use the word as if it is something people must gain, as if it is a gift. It is an unnecessary word when you remember that you are all emanations of the one Light of Consciousness. It makes no sense to speak of worthy or unworthy, for to be the Light is … It is … it simply is without any word that follows. You simply are, and in this “being” is the full potential to explore, create, win, lose, succeed, fail, please, displease, and bask in your beingness. To put a label on the result of these adventures in Consciousness is to not understand your innate magnificence.
You are so very loved.
I love this!💖
Thank you Suzanne for the effort you put into getting The Daily Way to us every day. It is the first thing I read every day and I appreciate it so much.
In the midst of self-loathing, this message was made in such a way that after i blinked, the world looked a tad different already.
i had an experience of feeling this “I am” where i realized that nothing could be said after saying i am. i actually tried out different words and i realized that it was like adding color and heat, that is totally different categories that could not be added. this was in a kind of guided meditation session. it was astounding but since then i have come back to the “normal” state where i constantly say i am this or i am that.
Heel veel dank ,heel bijzonder weergegeven!Veel dank Suzanne!!
Suzanne, Fieke says “Many Thanks, and finds this gift a unique experience! Again Thanks.”