Do you know how much joy it gives God/Source/Joy to live life through you? There exists the Absolute. This is pure being with no ups and downs. And then there is you, with ups and downs and twists and turns and come what may and come what will. And how will you respond to the unexpected? How will you respond as more you come to realize you are the arms and legs and voice and thoughts of the Formless One? It is your choice to align with this Source of all Love or not. You have seen what happens when you don’t and when you do. Roll around in it, this life. You are here for the experience.
You are so very loved.
Has/Does God mature in the understanding of us? When Christ said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”, …did God actually not know how very spiritually immature mankind was/is. Did God need Christ to explain that rolling around that we do?
The possibilities and range of God’s response toward our decisions must be vast, at least. Christ’s comment has always perplexed me, and though i know he wanted/wants forgiveness for us all, yet is He not speaking to God, as if God is not of the same opinion. See why this is perplexing?
In that momemnt it appears Jesus was fully in human role, speaking as son to Father. We can all choose to embody our human role or see with Christ Consciousness in which we affirm that we and our Source are one, in which case all is known and forgiven at the deeper levels.
It amazes me how much it feels like these are personally directed to me. :-) In my meditation today, I tried to just be and sense my guides presence. I’ve felt them many times before. I had expectations of what it should be like this time, trying to take it to a higher level. The message I received was I missed the point of being if I set expectations. “Being” means just that, just BE. No expectations, just enjoy the journey. Loved it. Thanks!
This is great Suzanne! I love it and couldn’t agree more….imagine the boundary between form and love is transparent and a conduit rather than a barrier…be as one…experiencing source in all we do! Makes life, our guidance and expression so much more fullfilling and REAL!
Hi Suzanne and wonderful assistants –
I have followed you for quite sometime always wanting to reach out but have not as I know you are one busy gal! I hope your journey right now on Gratitude is peaceful and bringing you all joy. I wanted to share this poem with you. Just reread it after many years, written by my daughter, then in 3rd grade. She has crossed over but I felt she wanted me to share her poem with you. pretty magnificent. – Ciannons poetry
INNER SOUL ( 3rd grade)
Anything you do, you get in return.
Be nice, and you will be thanked.
Be mean….you wont be happy.
Look through that person’s eyes, and think before you say anything.
When someone is mean to you…. think before you say a word.
Nothing is more powerful than your soul,
It makes your decisions.
Know your own strength, be warned with the power within you. by, Ciannon Basher
thank you for reading . xxx -k
WE all have much to learn from 3rd graders. Beautiful!
Oh my I’m rolling and loving and rolling and loving…….
Love this! Thank you. Gives me permission to be joyful.❤️
I taught Sunday Church School for years. I am trying to imagine how students and parents would have reacted if I taught children that they were God’s “voice, arms and legs.” ? I have begun to understand why that could be true from a physics and philosphy perspective of Spirit; but the responsibility is still staggering– unless being kind or loving and patient at every turn in life is “all” that the Creator God requires.