Channeling Sessions2023-12-06T09:55:53-05:00



A few times each year, Suzanne holds a special channeling session online and contributions are gathered to support a charity in memory of Suzanne and Ty’s daughter, Susan Marie Giesemann. The two most recent recordings are offered for a contribution of $15 each and 100% of the funds collected are given to the appropriate charity. No one is denied access to a channeling session for lack of funds. If you are not able to contribute $15, please email Suzanne’s office at and you will receive a link.


To hear the words of Sanaya as they speak through Suzanne—to feel the presence of that refined spirit energy and be touched by their love is an experience you will never forget. Whether you were part of the live session or watch the video here, you receive this loving energy as well as the wisdom and inspiration shared by Sanaya. Sanaya addressed current world events and how we can best deal with them. They answered attendees’ questions on topics including prayer, evolved new generation of children, manifesting, solutions to cancer, the shift, and the drug epidemic. The loving, healing energy transmitted by Sanaya remains in their spoken words and all who watch or listen to the recording benefit.

How does the spirit world view mental illness and depression? The soul-touching answer is shared here as Suzanne Giesemann’s team of spirit guides, known as Sanaya, speak through her. Sanaya’s profound lessons on mental illness and depression address the realities of our human experience. They are aware of the fear, loneliness, and desperation of so many living on earth today. They speak with directness about chemical and physical imbalances, feelings of isolation among teenagers, impact of social media, use of medications, counseling and more.

November 26, 2017

Unity Spiritual Center: Fruitland Park, FL - Sanaya spoke this evening of: remembering who we are, the paradox of celebrating every moment and also celebrating that beyond the ordinary, raising consciousness and vibration, soul as an energetic vibration, activities of spirits on the other side, and co-creation of the human [...]

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October 22, 2017

Unity Spiritual Center: Fruitland Park, FL - Sanaya spoke this evening of oneness, free will, guidance of the higher self, working on lessons, "human perceptual reality", finding love within self, value of sitting in the silence, souls maintaining attachments to earth, entities with lower vibrations are not to be [...]

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September 16, 2017

Suzanne channeled Sanaya for over 400 people gathered at the Afterlife Research and Education Symposium in Scottsdale, AZ and you have the opportunity here to SEE the session.  Do you know how very much you are loved?  Listen to Sanaya's answers regarding this topic as well as their wisdom [...]

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July 30, 2017

Unity Spiritual Center, Fruitland Park, FL - Rituals, Intention, Fields/Connections, Grid, Heaven, Healing, Dealing with lower energies, Rose image, Going to the Light. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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February 19, 2017

Unity Spiritual Center, Fruitland Park, FL -  Being free - telling lies - speaking truth - clearing deep-seated blockages -understanding the illusion of past/present/future - the intention behind truth or lie -human diet- unbalance at this time in the USA. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio [...]

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January 15, 2017

Unity Spiritual Center, Fruitland Park, FL -  Defining our soul- defining love - the world in pain - people who get in our face - the veil - meditation - purgatory or limbo - symbols for readings - lives as multiple tracks on a CD. Click Here for Transcript [...]

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September 20, 2016

Center for Spiritual Living  St. Louis -  Human love vs Divine Love - Human and Spirit at all times - Our lessons - Helping others awaken - Afterlife for those who have harmed others while on earth - Suicide - Praying for those on the other side - Afterlife [...]

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June 8, 2016

Click below to listen to the audio recording of a message delivered by Sanaya to the attendees at the annual conference of the Academy for Spirituality and Consciousness Studies in Chapel Hill, NC on June 8, 2016.  Note:  The recording starts in mid-sentence because the recorder delayed a bit.  [...]

June 8, 2016

Click below to listen to the audio recording of a message delivered by Sanaya to the attendees at the annual conference of the Academy for Spirituality and Consciousness Studies in Chapel Hill, NC on June 8, 2016.  Note:  The recording starts in mid-sentence because the recorder delayed a bit.  [...]

April 19, 2016

Unity of Phoenix -  Multiple realities - CD of life  Simultaneous lives - meditation - Dementia - Effects of energy change in the world. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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April 2, 2016

Unity Center of Tulsa -  Why do we suffer?  Why do some die young?  Consciousness rising.  Gossip.  Do we pick our parents? Choosing an imperfect body for this life.  Autism.  Communication with a re-incarnated soul.  Do we keep the same energy?  How did God begin? Why do we choose a human [...]

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March 6, 2016

Unity of The Villages -  U.S. elections coming up - separation/oneness- consciousness of nations-reincarnation - vortexes on the earth plane - telepathic coversation - Course in Miracles] Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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February 7, 2016

Unity of The Villages -  Light of consciousness - chakras - refracted light within the soul - schizophrenia- autism - talking to the dying. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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January 3, 2016

Unity of The Villages -  Body as an instrument - signs from guides - dealing with fear - connecting with our guides - traveling to spirit world. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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December 6, 2015

Unity of The Villages -  Communing with spirit - Gratitude - Terrorists - Victims of violence - Courage - Pain and suffering - Free will gone awry. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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November 1, 2015

Unity of The Villages -  Our true self - Awakening - Human/ego vs. awareness - Perfection - Some surrounded by more challenges - Lesson in the refugee issue. Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

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September 20, 2015

Unity of The Villages -  Members of Sanaya- Aging - Suffering - Intuition - Wayne Dyer- Lessons in a lifetime - Reincarnation - Souls of pets - Pope Francis - Dreams - Raising consciousness Click Here for Transcript Click Here for Audio

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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