Talk to those who have passed. It does not matter if you do so aloud or silently. Your intention and the connection you hold in the heart sends a signal that is received instantly. If the truth be told, your message is received in its entirety the moment the thought of sharing it arises in the mind. You share this Mind. Do you yet realize this? It is why you never lose each other. The one Mind of Source is yours and theirs. This is oneness. This is eternal connection. Call it a Mind. Call it a Heart. You may also choose to call it Love, which is why Love truly is the answer.
You are so very loved.
This is the first time U have been able to hear this and really believe this !!
Thank you for phasing this truth this way. I got it !!
Does this apply to departed pets too?
Understanding that the LOVE is immediately transferred, it still begs the question “Does the lack of live get immediately transferred too?”
I ask because my lack of love would be burdening souls while i, in my lack of love, lack of forgiveness, lack of understanding, is still aiming to progress toward a more loving understanding, with the presence of forgiveness, offered in real LOVE.
Its not that i dont love those souls at all. It’s more to the point that the love is not complete, simply because i don’t truly FEEL it completely, even though i am aware of the love that does exist. . Normally my love feels thorough. However, not all the love i send is thorough. Hence the question..
My mind tells me one thing about my connection with my wife who’s now on the other side, having passed on 15 months ago. I know in my mind that we both live in the One Mind, One Heart, One love, but my heart/feeling doesn’t match my mind’s belief. I have signs from her which I’m grateful for, but I’m eager to communicate with her more fully. This communication won’t be like the physical communication we had, I know, but I want to believe it will be more than a mental connection for me/us.
My aunts funeral was this past week, she was the eldest relative in our family and now she is back with our family in heaven. The moment I heard of her passing was the moment I experienced immediate thoughts of her being with her parents, sisters and all the men the girls brought home. It was beautiful and so peaceful. I mediated on this and found myself humming “Dust in the Wind” what an awesome understanding.
This is so true I have never forgot the love we shared.
This has come when most needed.
What a beautiful and reassuring post, “connected” is. It reminds me that even if I’m not in a place where I am fully able to receive the connection which is initiated from the other, I can always, take a moment, open my heart and reach out to him/them. How very comforting to be reminded. Thank you.
Suzanne, Bev, Lynette & Val,
This message touched me because I know how connected I am to my husband. I talk to him constantly & why not – he was my best friend, confidant & soulmate. In addition, our energy & love is so strong he visits me regularly. I am so grateful that you beautiful ladies are in my life.
Hilary, my husband is all those things to me—soulmate, best friend, lover—and I talk out loud to him all the time. However, I can’t tell if I’m conjuring up his image (in my thoughts). I’ m so interested in what he’s doing, what he’s experiencing……do you ask him questions? What kind of messages and signs do you recieve? Sometimes he’s in my dreams, but just around. It’s very frustrating and difficult. It’s been 18 mo i’m still grieving (forever). The loss of his earthly being is so painful………I feel empty and isolated