– A.S.
Your first questions may be … “How does this course compare to the other mediumship courses that Suzanne teaches through The Shift Network and Hemi-Sync?” Which one is best for me at this time? CLICK HERE to find comparisons of Suzanne’s courses.
This online mediumship class is identical to Suzanne’s Serving Spirit Level One class.
Stop and start each lesson as you wish. You have unlimited access to the course.
Suzanne holds nothing back as she teaches you a step-by-step process for connecting with those on the other side.
- Connect with loved ones who have passed (your own or others’)
- Connect with guides
- Access guidance or insights from Higher Consciousness
- Raise your consciousness & vibration
All of the content in “Making The Connection” was professionally filmed during an actual Serving Spirit Level One class.
The exercises, the content, the energy are all captured for you to experience in this video class.
– V.K.
Celebrate the Sacredness of Mediumship with Suzanne Giesemann
“Suzanne’s Making The Connection online course is wonderful! There’s no other way to put it. I went to the Arthur Findlay College, so I have a little experience with the teaching tools that can be given in mediumship classes, but there’s something about Suzanne’s course that’s different in a really good way! What’s so different is the Love, the Joy, and the Fun that are pouring throughout. I feel so blessed to have been able to ‘Make The Connection’.” Catherine Larche in France

- Learn a step-by-step process to connect with the other side
- Use and expand upon Suzanne’s tools and tips
- Create your information list for spirit
- Move past human fears and doubts

- Experience the BLESS ME method led by Suzanne in a powerful meditation
- Use hands-on exercises and practice to apply Suzanne’s teachings
- Hear evidence-filled stories that validate the reality of the spirit world

- Gain the confidence to trust spirit
- Learn to serve spirit as their voice in bringing forth evidence and messages
- Feel the joy and the “knowing” in making the connections
Relax and enjoy. Learn at your own pace.
“Making the Connection Mediumship Course”
Current Students
Scholarships with Love
It is my intention that the wisdom, inspiration, tools, and tips in this course reach all who are led to this teaching. If a financial hardship stands in your way of obtaining the course, please explain in a short email to admin@suzannegiesemann.com. My team in spirit and I determine reduced price scholarships on an individual basis. With love, Suzanne
Take a look at the fascinating topics, tools, and insights we will cover!
- Can anyone connect across the veil?
- What is evidential mediumship and why focus on it?
- The difference between evidence and messages
- The importance of resonance
- What is the test of a good reading?
- The aura/your human energetic field
- Where is the spirit world?
- The true nature of Spirit
- Meditation: Training the brain to be still
- Practicing presence
- Learning to focus
- The importance of belief
- Using guides to set up your system
- How to sense the relationship of the spirit to the sitter
- Finding the perfect mix of energy
- The importance of “Doing no harm”
- Trusting the Connection
- The importance of motive
- Dealing with ego in a reading
- The innate attributes of the soul
- What is Power and how to use it in a reading
- How to build your library of symbols
- How to improve the connection – the importance of practice
- The difference between the left brain and right brain in mediumship
- How to practice detached compassion in a reading
- What to do when unsure of what you’re sensing
- Psychic amnesia and trusting the spirit
- How to improve the connection – the importance of practice
- Is it your imagination?
- Psychic ability – how it works
- The pecking order of spirits who come through
- When to call off a reading
- Dealing with slumps
- Educating your sitter
- How to do inspired/channeled writing
- Doing readings for family members
- Dealing with assumptions
- Dealing with “No’s”
- When the reading is over
- Being guided by Higher Consciousness
- What to do when unsure of what you’re sensing.
- How to continue improving