A very timely message for both individuals and our entire country. There is lots of
fear and anger being spewed out lately. It’s so easy to be affected and to become
weighed down by it. Thanks for the reminder of how we can take on ourselves the
anger/fear of an entire community. We have to remember who we are and that is
Love. And “love casts out fear” . Thanks, Suzanne.
Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.
A very timely message for both individuals and our entire country. There is lots of
fear and anger being spewed out lately. It’s so easy to be affected and to become
weighed down by it. Thanks for the reminder of how we can take on ourselves the
anger/fear of an entire community. We have to remember who we are and that is
Love. And “love casts out fear” . Thanks, Suzanne.