Partners in a dance give and take. Yes, one leads and the other follows, but the leader does not push and the follower does not pull. They move in cooperation. You can feel the difference, can you not: pushing, pulling vs allowing the coming together of two beings in cooperative movements for the joy of it. Pushing and pulling is not joyful unless you willingly enter a competition. So much to think about, but your feelings will let you know before your thoughts when you are no longer flowing.
You are so very loved.
That “moving in cooperation” truly is a beautiful experience and that beauty multiplies when we are in gratitude for as long as the experience lasts. We are human so the experience might not last, but that experience will always be a reminder of what is possible when there is no “push/pull” riff-raff going on. We can (at least) be grateful for having a reminder. We will be far more pleased, and dare i say grateful, when enjoying the experience. Awareness!