When inspiration is not flowing, you cannot push it any more than you can push water. Yes, you can direct water for a while, but it eventually flows where it will, following the path of least resistance. So, resist not. Just be. Be still, be present, and wait, listening carefully, noticing nuances … open, aware, trusting. Ah yes, there’s the missing link. When you trust that you are not alone and separate from the Source of inspiration, it appears with its own timing and perfection.
You are so very loved.
Dear Suzanne, admittedly it took me around 48 years to understand all experiences I had so far. The „awakening“ was finally the best moment in my life. To understand the deeper meaning of flow of live, of the connection between being in stillness and listening, brought me so much joy and energy, gratitude and love.
Especially because you are part of my path, you helped me moving forward, asking, trusting, practicing. Blessings to you and all nice ladies, Bev, Lynette, Valerie
What a blessing! Thank you, Barbara.
This need to wait trustingly – it is not always easy, but it is true.
It doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing in the meantime. I write novels and poetry (see the website, heh heh) and I find that when I write by rote, I develop skill. And when Inspiration arrives, I have the tools to capture it.
I am grateful to Elizabeth Gilbert (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86x-u-tz0MA&t=145s) for her wise, practical advice about how an artist can relate to the inspiring spirit.
That’s exactly how it is presently and its difficult to feel that’s the way it’s supposed to be right now. There must and will be things I am to notice, i am sure. Hopefully i am noticing the right ones and all of them. Thankfully personal insecurities are forced to give way to the trust i know i have in God, yet i feel certain i should not have person insecurities. But i do! Big stickler!
Your message for today is just so beautiful and true.
I will be patient, still, present, open, aware, trusting and wait, listening carefully for a whisper from spirit.
Thanks for your message today. Gives me hope…
Thank you for reminding me that inspiration comes through me, not from me.