At times you may feel you do not live up to your ideal version of yourself. It is all experience. How does each experience feel? If you are measuring one against another, this will cause you to feel as a failure or as a winner. What if you simply observe each experience as interesting? Here you find peace. With no judgment, you can choose whether to repeat the interesting actions or not. Is this not more peaceful than condemnation for being human?
You are so very loved.
Thank you so much for this. I cannot tell you how synchronous it is. Today I raged at my husband and surprised both him and me at how angry I was. I have been upset with myself all day and felt I wasn’t worthy of doing my A Course in Miracles; that I might just as well give up on trying to be grow spiritually. But I read your message and feel I can work with this now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Humans learn by trial and error. See the souls in both of you and move forward in peace.
Hello, Eve … such a beautiful name. I usually don’t read the comments, but I did today. Your comment reminded me of a similar heated argument I had with my husband, not too long ago. I am thankful to Suzanne for her inspiring words, which I have written down to capture (imprint) in my thoughts, in hopes of connecting with and using them in times like these … [a message to your spirit guides | deep breath] “Forgive me for forgetting to respond with love. How can I do better?” Also, a discussion can easily turn into an argument when feelings get hurt or egos are bruised … [a message to yourself, before responding | deep breath] “All is in perfect order. I will respond with peace and love.” Sometimes responding with “peace and love” can mean saying and doing nothing at all–being quiet, listening. Forgiveness, from the heart, is so very powerful. Personally, while I don’t like being in these situations with my husband, what I do like is knowing that another opportunity has presented itself for me (and him) to learn from (life lesson). And, if I choose my approach with “peace and love, this will only lead to healing this life lesson. I TRY to accept things as they come, without resistance. Like Suzanne said in this April 24th message, “What if you simply observe each experience as interesting? Here you find peace.” —- Interesting. I will respond with peace and love.
Sending you so much love and strength.
[Both quotes were taken from two separate interviews Suzanne had with Michael Sandler]
I was being hard on myself for not being able to keep up with the deepening practices of two classes I am taking. I planned on being so dedicated. Energy work can take time to integrate. I wasn’t planning on falling behind. I gave myself a day off from my prodding and did other things. Maybe not the expected move considering my goals. However I saw this message and it helped ease the strain.
You are already whole and complete. Everything else is experience. No need to do anything, not even the deepening practices. Learning to just be and then flow as guided from within is freeing!
Is there any guidance for people have been doing the light work without knowing it, things that I just did because it was the right thing to do?
And after I made my early retirement, I was going over my life and the many things in life that I have accomplished by following my intuition, even safe peoples life. I noticed that in a situation that was obviously orchestrated by spirit they send me the 11:11 because I have been ignoring the numbers messages thinking it was electronic parts. But Spirit put it in a way that I had to go find out because it was not coincidence.
Then I had this overwhelming sense of Peace, Love and appreciation full of gratitude. And after three or four weeks the incredible presence of the highest spirits just came in pouring an incredible download of my entire life and interactions with spirits that lend me to to Suzanne G. What is interesting is that I could care less about the internet and being online so they provide access before all this happened.
And truly what you said and what I’ve looked into is definitely something that no one’s believes!!!
I didn’t even know there was a term as God wink. I got a major godwink in the movie the singer with Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony at the end of the movie the first name that came out in big letters was my name Hugo Duran. I just dismissed this as somebody’s mistake. Wow what a ride I’m having just need to connect with people other than spirits that are in the same vibrational connection.
With Incredible appreciation to just know that’s I’ve been following my true purpose without even knowing.
Thank you
Methinks you’ve found your community!
I’m not really sure about the community. It always has been sporadic encounters and since I was a kid it was my intuition and I. No organize religion ever made sense to me. The only person that resonated with me was Jiddu Krishnamurti.
I must say that it has been a incredible relief to just know after so many years of not having concrete human confirmation.
?I am positive that you have just described the experiences of most of the people on this site.
We are your people?
?As the Beatles so wonderfully put it into music?
WE are spiritual beings having human experiences and even though the veil is thin and we all have the intuitive knowledge of where we came from, we limit our growth by analyzing this ever so brief moment on earth.
Our experiences are whatever WE think they are and nothing more.
??Whisper Words Of Wisdom ?LET IT BE?LET IT BE?