Is mediumship real? Are our loved ones who have passed really still with us, and can they communicate through mediums? I know the answer to these questions is yes, but I understand why some people don’t know that.
I deliberately don’t read the posts from bereaved parents on the Helping Parents Heal Facebook page, even though I’m a passionate supporter of this wonderful organization. I don’t want to know anything about any of the parents or their children on the other side in case one of them comes to me for a reading some day. Today, however, a string of comments on one particular post showed up in my inbox because one of the comments about the original post mentioned my name.
The post came from a bereaved mom who doubts the reality of mediumship. Her experience has been that mediums simply feed off the feedback from their clients. She stated that if she were to sit in a reading and say nothing, the medium would give her nothing. From MY experience, she is correct on both counts:
– The way I work, I definitely feed off the feedback from my clients! It motivates me if they tell me I’m correct, raising my energy for an even better connection. Alternately, it tells me I need to shift gears and try something different if the client/sitter tells me that what I said doesn’t make sense. If they give me more than a simple “yes” or “no,” excitedly providing more details than I asked for, then I ask their loved one in spirit to “up the ante” and give me even more details, including things my client may have to later verify from someone else. Along the way, those in spirit know I won’t be satisfied unless they tell me things that the client hasn’t brought up, or has forgotten, or any number of things they can get through to prove their presence … yes, “prove” – a word that I used to shy away from using. Now I know the spirits can do that very well, if the connection is good enough, but it’s a three-way connection, (the spirit, the medium, and the sitter/client), which leads to the second point …
– If the client sits there in a reading and says nothing, that is very likely what they will get from the medium. Sitting tight-lipped expecting the medium to prove something is like putting up an energetic barrier. Yes, we mediums want to show your loved ones are still here. We WANT to prove it, but a client’s “prove it to me” attitude is incredibly counter-productive.
See the paradox?
I can feel that mother’s grief. I know how much she wants to hear from her child. I’ve been there, and it’s the evidence from a medium who shared detail after detail about my step-daughter Susan that I couldn’t have known that started me down this path. Now I know Susan is still with us, and I KNOW that your loved ones are, too.
Not all of the magic happens in the readings. For me, it’s been happening more and more lately AFTER the readings … after I have felt the personality of those in spirit so clearly that I recognize them immediately when they drop in unexpectedly with a message for their loved ones that they’re counting on me to deliver. Are your loved ones who have passed still around? You bet they are. Is mediumship real? You bet it is. How else do you explain:
– Devon dropping in not too long ago out of the blue to show me a pair of hiking poles with rubber tips and telling me to mention these to his parents. I texted his parents right away. They sent back the photo here, showing the sticks his dad had just taken out of the closet the day before. Devon was right there watching his dad get ready for a hike. Way to go, Devon! (Keep scrolling down. There’s more)
– Aymen dropping in three weeks after I brought him through to his mom in one of my Serving Spirit classes. He showed up unexpectedly as I typed an email to thank his mom for a card and gift she had sent me, and he mentioned the tooth fairy. I included this in the email and his mom was floored. She sent me a screenshot of a text she had sent to her daughters two days prior after finding her kids’ baby teeth. Notice the title in this screenshot: “The tooth fairy.” Good one, Aymen. (Scroll down)
– Carly dropping in to show me her teddy bear needs to go for a walk. Now, Carly, what the heck is that supposed to mean? I need feedback from your mom (see how helpful feedback is???). So I texted Irene, her Mom, leader of the Hilton Head Helping Parents Heal chapter, only to learn that Irene had put Sebastian the bear (Carly’s friend since she was a baby) in a closet for safe keeping while Irene’s grandchildren were visiting. Irene had forgotten to take him out of the closet after the kids left, but Carly knew! Poor Sebastian! Thanks to Carly’s very real visit from the other side, Sebastian is now out in the fresh air once again. (Scroll down)
– or how about Shayna dropping in two weeks after her parents’ reading and acting like a cat with her hands drawn up like little paws with claws. She showed me whiskers painted on her cheeks. “What’s this all about?” I texted her mom, only to cry tears of joy with both of her parents when mom texted me back this special photo. Shayna just wanted to say hi, and nothing does it better than a great piece of evidence like that. (Scroll down, please)
Need I go on? I could do so for hours with the jaw-dropping ways our loved ones have let me know that death is not the end. Far from it. There is no end, because we are Love expressing itself. Life and death are both stages of that expression, painful as they may be. Life has its ups and downs, but love is steady, ongoing, and the reason we exist.
I do my best not to become defensive these days. Defensiveness usually indicates something within me I need to work on. So I asked myself, am I writing these words to defend mediumship? In a way, yes, but it’s more important to let the woman who wrote that post know that her child is still right here, and that if she understands the necessity for feedback in a reading and the importance of an open mind, heart, and energy field, her child will do her best to let mom know she’s okay and will always be with her. These aren’t just palliative words. This is Truth. Love is eternal.
Am I writing this because I want more clients? No! Please! While I do take on new clients, I’m referring many these days to other mediums I trust will give great evidence because the wait is too long for those who need to hear from their loved ones. There are some truly great mediums out there. Ask for recommendations from other members of Helping Parents Heal. Understand that the information comes through mediums in different ways, often cryptic, and your feedback helps to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Ultimately, whether in a reading or not, talk to those who have passed, because they hear you. Find peace in the fact that they are not gone forever, just gone from your sight. They feel your pain and want you to know they are still right here.
I want to say thank you for what you do, Suzanne. Defending mediumship does not come from your ego, so no need to feel bad about being “defensive” of what is a wonderful gift to the world. It’s good to defend mediumship because if one is open to it, it can make all the difference when grieving. A good medium reading is equivalent to what could be years of grief counseling.
Sadly, there are frauds in the world who would prey on the vulnerable. There are great mediums, good mediums, medium mediums and bad mediums, like in any other profession. People are right to be skeptical. But, to be truly skeptical means to examine the evidence. I’ve had several readings with mediums, one under controlled conditions, and I can say without a doubt that mediumship is real. I’ve also had readings with people who had no idea what they were talking about.
Brian, I love how you put this. I, too, have had very good readings that were worth years of grief counseling, and I’ve sat with others who didn’t have a clue but put on a good show of confidence. And I’m fairly certain that 1 or 2 had researched me on the internet prior to my sittings with them. My recent sitting with Suzanne was certainly very good. She and I were both hoping for a ‘home run’, but we were at about a 4 bar (out of 5) reading, probably due to my expectations. After listening to the recorded sitting again, there’s just too much relevant info to conclude anything but that Connor connected with us. Suzanne, thank you so much for the sitting!! With Love, Jim
I loved reading this. I love seeing additional evidence that our lived one’s are still with us. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for all those wonderful examples of times when loved ones have communicated through you!
Please, how do I contact you for a reading?
Please see and read all the info there! Blessings.
Defensiveness is an energy, and this is definitely not feeling defensive to me, just interesting information. This is great and I shared it with other people who I feel could benefit from it. Thank you for all that you do!
Oh, the truth in these words, Suzanne. And oh, how well I understand the skepticism of the bereaved mother! I long for the day when communication with our loved ones across the veil will be as simple as picking up the phone, and that is rapidly becoming a reality. Until then, I must agree with Medium Susanne Wilson when she reminds us that although this two-way communication between the worlds is natural, it is not easy. My fondest wish for anyone who may doubt the veracity of mediumship is that they would first of all learn as much about this art as possible. There are many marvelous online sources and brilliant books written about the scientific research on this subject. Learning about the very nature of spirit communication, how ethical mediums are trained, and the technical limitations we face right here and now — in 2017 — will help anyone to decide whether or not to proceed with a reading from a responsible evidential medium. Science is helping us to advance the possibilities for more accurate and universal one-on-one “conversations” with our loved ones who have transitioned back to spirit. Until that day comes, a three-way connection with an ethical, well-trained medium has the power to change lives. It changed mine. Read, learn, talk to people you trust who have experienced the absolute truth of their loved ones’ continued existence. Then consider having a reading for yourself, and approach the experience with a heart and mind open to receive the love that’s waiting for you. Be patient; I’ve had some true miracles revealed to me a few days after a reading. I’ve also had truths revealed DURING a reading that left me practically unable to walk afterwards. Life and love are forever! A gifted medium and your beloved “angels” on the other side can prove it to you.
I have followed you for a little over a year now. You are an inspiration to me because of your loving heart. Your words about loving each other and how everything is LOVE is exactly what I need to hear….each and everyday. It is such a blessing to hear from Sanaya each day too. And THEN I had an opportunity to have a reading from you. (I was beside myself…and really hate that I was too silent and didn’t give enough feed back) The evidence you gave me from my daughter was remarkable!! There is absolutely no doubt that my daughter was present! You are an inspiration to ME and so many more. Please please don’t stop believing in yourself. (I know you wont) We LOVE YOU SUZANNE!!!!!
I am honored that you included Aymen in your post. You are not aware, but tomorrow is Aymen’s 31st birthday and your post came at the perfect time! I needed to be reminded by the miracles that come through you that life is eternal. I am also blessed to have such amazing other parents in my life, again, thanks to you Suzanne. If you would not have given me Irene’s phone number I would have missed out on my support system. You have blessed my life….Love you!
Excellent article, Suzanne. I have the utmost respect for you, not only for your incredible talent as a medium, but even more for your clearheadedness, honesty, and integrity. I often think of a line you said in one of your speeches: : “Keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” As an editor and teacher, I am by nature a skeptic and a researcher, and I can say with absolutely no hesitation that you are the real thing, that mediums are real, and that our reading and subsequent communications from you have absolutely confirmed for me that my daughter is still there and that you connected with her. My humble and huge thanks to you.
Thank you so much, Zoe. I believe it was Carl Sagan who I quoted in that presentation!
Suzanne ,
You are one of the most genuinely joyous beings that has even entered my life. Your journey to becoming such a positive medium has been a pleasure to experience ( starting with the dinner several years ago;through FB and your website) . Your explanation is spot on. What I know is this, sometimes people are hurting so much that they can’t,for whatever reason allow their loved ones to reach them. Hopefully this has touched and at least got someone somewhere to think about their need, grief and the power of LOVE. Much gratitude for sharing.
I love you Suzanne. Your reading, after my son Dale died, left me with no doubts that he was communicating with me. It did help me move forward ever so slowly, but moving…. I have not had that kind of satisfaction with trying to hear from my husband. I believe my Mother, Dale and Bruce put thoughts in my mind, but I know all this about them. I would like to hear validation from someone who doesn’t know. You are the most sincere, caring and loving person I have encountered on my journey. You are not defensive at all and perhaps have helped me when I have a reading with someone else. I recently was told that I was so uptight, they could not connect with my loved ones.
I am so happy our paths have crossed. Your book Messages of Hope- gave me such great hope and the reading from was amazing. I still have rough days but I know for sure that Shayna is with me always. Thank you and please keep the messages coming! Love to you?
Thank you Suzanne for taking the time to talk about this and share. I will be Forever Grateful for the gift you gave us from Grace! There is absolutely no doubt in my mind…heart..and soul…mediumship is real. You helped reignite my Hope through connecting me with Grace. KNOWING she is still right her with us makes getting through each day without her physically by our side a little eaier. It is also inspiring me to try and connect with her through meditation. With a little Faith and Grace…I will find my Purpose! I am definitely a work in progress! Thank you for all you do to help so many parents like myself!???
Hallo: I am psychic, have PK phenomena, but never believed in mediumship, until a long time ago when I was told to get a medium for a seance. to ask some questions about my house. The medium had never been in my basement. nor house until she and a man came to my house and he put her under hypnoses. Two doctors, a minister and three friends of mine were present and the medium did not know ANYONE’s name..– She started addressing what was in the basement and under my sink and the broken step going to the cellar. before telling a friend of mine that her son was sick. She denied it, but one week later her son Matthew told his Mother that he had cancer!!!!!— There was no logical, scientific, pragmatic way. that I could figure out how the information occurred, since I was the only one able to check out how she possibly could do that.– I suggest that we all should read some research on the brain, consciousness and the latest research in quantum mechanics. I am writing about all my phenomena but have NO clue why they happen. but I think that my MIND. has something to do it , through feelings and consciousness.- Go on the Internet and start studying the stuff. – Stay healthy Fiammetta Rubin.—- go on my website: all the best for all of us, namaste.
Dear Fiammetta, my new course in Personal Mediumship gives a very clear explanation of why these phenonmena happen. The course will be available on demand by the end of the month. If you are on my mailing list you’ll receive a notice when it’s available. Blessings.
This reminds me of my journey…
I have friends in need and I’ve shared the Joy and Peace that came to me from Suzanne & Sanaya’s work. I was puzzled as to why they were not struck with awe (as I was).
My guides recently put a book* in front of me and thumbing thru the pages I landed on this old latin quote:
“whatever is received, is received according to the mode of the receiver”
BAM! This solved my puzzle :-)
-The infant as to the elderly.
-The athlete as to the invalid.
-The oppressor as to the oppressed.
We ALL are at different stations in our journey here on Earth. This also helped me understand why there isn’t a single spiritual voice, or a single religion.
I now know that if I share Peace & Joy, It’s up to the ‘receiver’ to be in a place in their journey to answer questions like: “What you feel you can heal”**.
I plant a seed of Love and Joy, walk away and pray for rain :-)
*book: “Exploring the Miraculous” pg 126
I receive specific, esoteric, and accurate images and visions like those you describe here. They are for people I’m vaguely acquainted with or outright strangers (friends of friends). I just don’t understand what I’m suppose to do with these “messages”.
My sister recently asked me what specifically was the “message” I thought I was suppose to deliver to her friend. In all honesty, I don’t know what these “visions” means. It just happened in conversation my sister relayed a story about her friend’s deceased mother. I yelled at her to stop because everything she was saying I already knew. Two weeks earlier I had written notes on this “vision.” I sent my sister the notes. Everything lined up: gender; nationality of deceased; cause of death; relationship between deceased and sister’s friend; specific spiritual/religious symbolism.
But I have to agree with my sister: what is the message? I just don’t understand how confirmation/verifiable details is a message.
Did you write the article yourself or you hired someone to do
it? I was wondering because I am a site owner too and struggle with writing new content
all the time. Someone told me to use AI to do create articles which I am
kinda considering because the output is almost written by human.
Here is the sample content they sent me –
Let me know if you think I should go ahead and
use AI.