You, by the self to which you and others give a name, can do nothing. You are not a stand-alone being like a cut-out doll. You are part of a flow of Intelligence so vast that the human mind cannot grasp this immensity. In the body, which is part of this flow of Intelligence, you are restricted. But you are not the body You are also this Flow, which some call “mind.” Can you step back and allow the Intelligence to simply flow? It is when you try to direct it in directions that flow does not go that you suffer and do not achieve. Sit back, listen, observe the flow in action, and then jump aboard like a raft. Dip your paddle in occasionally and steer, but only to keep yourself heading forward.
You are so very loved.
That feeling of being “unable” by which “you can do nothing”, is a very very dull surprise that will eventually wake us up as to what we are doing and… how very baby-like we are, … how we are like a single cell in the universe of a bodies. It feels somewhat frightening at first but as we expand toward the truth, our soul reels and glows in the Love that surrounds us; that is truly awesome, beyond words.
I heard myself say to my friend, “I don’t know why but I’m so ‘spinny’ as of late that i can’t even say The Lord’s Prayer without getting sidetracked.”… but please know, i was getting back on track from a sidetrack from which spirit had nudged me. I again know how awesome it is that we are/that i am, also so blessed. Then my heart rests to savour …in profound thanks that we are not alone.
The “bringing us back on track” is always ions better than any sidetrack i could conjure. So much so that at times it is impossible to enjoy the worlds we create by our sidetracks. Our hearts suddenly long deeply and then… as always, the universe nudges with the whispers of her wings that enfold you with THAT Love.
I wanted to take a moment to shine love and gratitude back to you. Your guidance and outpouring of love have helped me immensely and so many, many others. Thank you with all my heart! See you in the Mediterranean!!