New ways of doing things may throw you off for a bit. Hold fast to your intention. If you truly believe that the new method to which you have been introduced will prove helpful, then stay with it. Cease trying and allow it to simply become part of who you are. You must override old patterns to enjoy new ones. This is why things seem discombobulated at first. Bobble about as you will until the new becomes second nature and you reap the benefits.
You are so very loved.
The only thing that makes the new impossible is the old. Our resistance is a complacency that locks the doors to openess while we look out the windows and yearn to be where life is natural in the nature God created. This world is every bit as wonderful as you imagine it to be but gazing out windows only experiences gazing while it is life of living you desire to experience. The old is behind you. Leave it there. The only value of dragging the old around in its confined space is the dulldrum vibrating your nerves toward the new. Just sayin… but you don’t have to accept that… any of that. You are on your own schedual only to a point. The soul is like water. A drop will aim for the puddle but it too will eventually evaporate. But still, what was once a drop, will still be drawn to what was once a puddle – even though evaporated into a different form.
My comment really hasn’t anything to do with today’s meditation. I’m right now going through Suzanne’s Healing workshop & workbook that was a gift for pre-purchasing her book. Right now, I’m on the part in the beginning about having coincidences that seemingly occur in answer to a question. Well, this has been on my mind for some time. I’m a Christian, I hesitate to call myself such because of the negative results of organized religion in our world today, and I usually tell people that I am a follower of Jesus, that I go to the source rather than dogma. So it’s with struggles that I follow Suzanne, sometimes unsure of whether her teaching are acceptable to Jesus or if they will lead me into an area of spirit that is harmful. I wanted to say that several years ago, before I began listening to Suzanne, in the middle of the night, the deep darkness of the night, I heard the word “Suzanne Giesemann.” That shocked me, because I was not really following Suzanne at all. In fact it shocked me so much that for a long time, I denied that it had ever happened. So here I am now, after having purchased Suzanne’s new book, and I’m going through one of her classes and am interestingly at the one where Suzanne mentions “visitations” from Jesus, and how he has impacted her.
Like when Christ turned over the sellers’ tables in the Temple, He is now overturning the tables of the multitude if false teachings to which and in which we thought we were bound.
Christ and the heavenly Kingdom (meaning in the heavens and on earth) will achieve this goal and more… …freeing each attentive soul from ties that falsely bound you… each at and in your own time.
Never fear. When you love Christ, yet feel (or are in your mind) a little lost, your Shepherd still Reigns.
It wasn’t Christ who impacted you with a table with falsehoods. But He will free, especially you too, from them by turning over those tables.