Crutches. They assist you when one of your legs is not weight-bearing. There are many other crutches in the human’s closet. Alcohol, sugar, and drugs are the crutches many turn to when they cannot bear the weight of human challenges. Even spiritual workers can become dependent upon crutches such as crystals and pendulums. A crutch is not necessarily a bad thing. It most definitely props you up, but what if you don’t have your crutch? Then you might have to resort to crawling, but you will still move forward. Be aware of what is a necessity and what is a crutch. Use your crutches if you must, but every so often stand on two feet without them and notice the difference. You are fully capable as a soul of overcoming beliefs that tell you things must go one way instead of another. Keep in mind you are so very loved, and some of your crutches will go back unused into the closet.
I set a date to quit smoking for April fools day. I want to quit so bad. I have used it as an emotional crutch for years. I do not want to go through the withdrawal symptoms. I hope and pray that with Gods help and words of wisdom from spirit guides from the other side I can overcome this addiction. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. Much love to you.
I struggled with nicotine addiction for years. I quit twice only to return to it in times of stress. First time was cold turkey, an act of will. But, confident in my ability to control it, a year later I dabbled with it and it was back. Next time I went to meetings, nicotine anonymous. The support and a better understanding of myself really helped and I quit for 2 and a half years. Then I picked up when I got heart broke in love. A year later I quit again. It’s been more than 20 years now. What has worked for me was completely letting go of the struggle. Just getting out of the way. When I have a craving all I wait and it passes, reminding myself I’m OK. No will power, no tricks. Being patient and kind with myself and letting go. And I tell my story never knowing who or when I might help someone. It’s OK if you don’t succeed right away. I quit and stay quit as an act of love, a gift to myself. Lots of people struggle with this. Though I don’t know you, I have confidence that you will find your way to freedom too!
This is powerful. Thank you for sharing your story. It has helped me. ?
I have quit for a year now. April fools is my day. I did this one day at a time sometimes one minute. I would tell myself that I can smoke if I want to I choose not to this minute. I want to thank you all for your support and your words if wisdom. Now that I am awakened I am amazed how this all works. By asking for help and believing, it took the power it had over me away. I have been going through major awakenings since and my trust and faith in all this grows. Living from the heart instead of the head or spirit instead of ego changes everything.
Thank You
Namaste ??✌??
Congratulations on trusting the Power greater than our human selves!