Starry, starry night.
Glitter in the sky.
Distant planets twinkling…
Light from years gone by.
Such distance does divide you
From the light which you do see.
It’s hard for you to fathom
Another galaxy.
But as you gaze upon the planets
Do not think that we lie there.
We’re as close as your small finger
For the spirit’s everywhere.
We live in every flower.
We dance upon the grass.
And if you put up barriers,
Then through those walls we pass.
For spirit has no boundaries.
It knows not time nor space.
We merely need to think of you
To gaze upon your face.
To travel to a distant star
Is nothing hard for us.
For we can be all spots at once
With very little fuss.
So knowing this, please call on us
When company you crave.
And in an instant we’ll be there,
From cradle until grave.
And when beyond the grave you pass,
We go, too, hand in hand.
Helping you this brand new life
To finally understand.
So gaze upon the twinkling stars.
Appreciate their light.
May they help you from this moment
To see your future with no fright.
Searching for answers
You need not look far.
The answers you seek
Are as close as you are.
For your Higher Self
That which “spirit” you call
Is connected supremely
With the Source of it All.
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