• This month Suzanne focused on “Finding Peace Now”. It has been a challenging time as the world deals with the pandemic and racial unrest.  Suzanne’s teachers in spirit, Sanaya, provided profound wisdom and tools through Suzanne to help viewers deal with the fears, anxiety, and loss of balance in the current group consciousness.  Suzanne took viewers through a new exercise provided by Sanaya using Mala Beads to bring each to better focus and awareness of the One Me. The concept of a Peace beyond the human story and “changing the channel” shared by Suzanne is truly life changing. Suzanne shared an example of how our spirit guides are aware of what is coming up for us and try to warn us of danger. Sanaya and Suzanne answered questions dealing with topics including animal flesh in the human diet, cremation vs. traditional burial, why only some believe in eternal life, why some loved ones do not show up in a reading, and the length of time before connecting to a loved one who has recently passed.
  • In this month’s session Suzanne talked about those “No Other Explanation” moments when we know we are part of a greater reality.  She shared examples of these miracles in her readings and recent experiences.  Suzanne shared evidence of how those in spirit are aware of our needs and “pull strings for us”. Her stories of the power of prayer and magical evidence of the non-physical world are truly inspiring.  The new puppies Nellie and Rusty made a special appearance!  Suzanne and Sanaya answered several questions from viewers on topics including marriage and the afterlife, food in the afterlife, drop-ins, and identical twins.  
  • Suzanne saw and spoke to her husband Ty’s soul and shares the experience here! This experience was filled with lessons that apply to all of us about the nature of the soul, personal relationships, connecting to the spirit world, and much more. Suzanne covers other fascinating topics in this session including teaching points about connecting to higher consciousness from a personal reading she had with a psychic, frustrations when we are not able to “change the world”, optimizing connections across the veil, and trusting our intuition fully.  Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions on subjects including: our soul plan and choice of spouse, the affect of smoking and consumption of alcohol on spiritual connections, asking for a specific soul to come forward in a reading, speaking in tongues, suffering of 9/11 victims, souls evolving on other side, and non-verbal individuals walking in two worlds at once. Your purchase contains a link with unlimited viewing of the video recording, a downloadable MP3 of the audio, and a written transcript (unedited version from the closed captioning.)
  • Suzanne shared amazing highlights of her readings in the past month including a special drop-in, a soul looking over her shoulder and changing the words to his description on her laptop, and a family reunion of souls with incredible evidence. She asked her assistant, Bev, to share her experience of coming to trust the “knowing” that she receives from her helpers in spirit. Suzanne provided a profound lesson on how a poorly trained medium did emotional harm to her sitter and she shared points on ethics in mediumship and always “doing no harm.” Other topics covered in this session included why our human side automatically goes to fear, whether it’s better for a medium to see the sitter in a reading, understanding “the shift,” and an easy method to release emotional trauma. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions about our soul names, staying on earth past one’s original soul plan, spirit’s role in great discoveries on earth, souls attending their own funeral, understanding why life on earth depends on a food chain of killing, and multiple personalities disorder. The group shared a powerful healing exercise and Sanaya spoke through Suzanne. Sanaya addressed topics including Albert Einstein and other scientists in spirit, the power of trust, alignment with Awareness, and the true vibration of Om.
  • This month Suzanne and Sanaya focused on answering questions. Hear the inspired answers on several topics including mental illness, drug overdoses, re-centering, chakras, adding exit points, souls in transition, relationship of other teaching groups in spirit, and more.
  • This month the following teaching was shared: *A new analogy to help understand the concept of “oneness” and true nature. * A practice for shifting realities instantaneously. * A review of how to ask for signs from loved ones and a magical validation that The Sign Game works. *A practice for being non-reactive when others push your buttons and an excellent process for immediately clearing negative energy. *Evidence that loved ones on the other side do influence our relationships here.   Questions were answered regarding those who have passed from Covid 19, meeting those on the the other side whom we disliked or feared in this life, souls passing in groups, and more.
  • This month Suzanne shared several inspired stories and teachings including a tool to manifest our dreams and desires. She covered additional topics including: why evidence is so important, why unknown people may pop into a reading and how to handle it, a tool for increasing your visual imagery when connecting, understanding the chakras and how they relate to your soul’s growth, a gift from Wolf to help integrate your human awareness with soul-awareness, the question of reaching perfection in your connections across the veil, a delicious analogy for why our human selves forget Who we really are, and an update on one of the most evidential readings she has ever done and what it means for all of us.  
  • Suzanne shared highlights of readings and synchronicities in the past month including her communication with a little boy across the veil named Oliver. Topics covered in Suzanne’s teaching during the session included how to deal with fluctuations in your field, signs from loved ones in spirit, and being present in day-to-day life. She shared how the spiritual path often unfolds for people and a great example of how living “The Awakened Way” helped a friend, Karen, enjoy her best race ever.  Suzanne continued last month’s discussion on “mediumship malpractice” with an example of very hurtful malpractice that had been reported to her.  Suzanne discussed how communication soul-to-soul is a solution to dealing with those with dementia and shared the experience of one of her followers who used this method very successfully. Participants learned to use a valuable tool for life called “The What If? Drill”. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions from participants on topics including how the length of time since a loved one passed affects connection, the role of archangels as guides, the number of souls, aliens as guides, the effect of chronic illness on connections across the veil, definition of the multiverse, a soul disassociating from the body before death, the difference between old and new souls, angels incarnating as humans, asking our guides for signs, and getting rid of blockages. The group did a powerful healing exercise and Sanaya spoke through Suzanne.  They shared insights on the healing session and human reactions to the recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • n this month’s mentoring, Suzanne shared an “aha” moment that can make a tremendous difference in our personal relationships and one's work as a medium along with highlights from a reading that left no doubt of our interconnectedness. She talked about flow and using “Yes, and ...” as a very powerful tool to go with the flow and avoid the problems of resistance. Suzanne provided a stunning simple new method for training the mind to be still and connect to spirit at the same time. You will be amazed at the effectiveness of “SIP of the Divine” and enjoy doing the exercise with her. As always Suzanne provided several examples of powerful evidence and touching connections during readings in the past month to validate the existence of a greater reality. Sanaya assisted in answering questions including those regarding speaking to our loved ones across the veil, “wasting” a lifetime, Christ consciousness, choosing our parents before birth, scientists in spirit helping with vaccines here, and how our loved ones in spirit see us.  
  • Suzanne provides great teaching moments during this month’s mentoring. She shares many “no other explanation” stories to provide evidence that our loved ones in spirit are still right here. Her story of the “shifting oatmeal packet” is one of Suzanne’s top awesome spiritual experiences. The teachings about “seek no more,” our thoughts, physical and non-physical, a download about buffets, getting signs, and a carpet analogy bring some true “wows.” Sanaya and Suzanne answer questions on several topics including: objects holding the energy of owners, ghost investigations, timing for first connecting to loved ones in spirit, control over which souls interact with us, reincarnation of pets, symbols in readings, loved ones in spirit knowing our thoughts, living souls appearing in readings, the role of pets on the other side, fear of suffering, non-human spirit guides, those in spirit moving objects in our world, reincarnation on other planets, Gaia as a soul, and meaning of holidays on the other side. Suzanne received a profound answer from Sanaya for  "Why don't I get signs?" during this session and that clip is available to the public at: https://youtu.be/0QuWS5hoH8M Your purchase contains a link with unlimited viewing of the video recording, a downloadable MP3 of the audio, and a written transcript (unedited version from the closed captioning.)
  • The most profound mentoring session to date with Suzanne Giesemann. After Suzanne shared her monthly new tips, tools, and examples of mediumship, she shared incredible Truths given to her by Source through the manifestations of Sanaya and Odin, and ultimately Source as "I".
  • This month Suzanne shared her very personal experience of grief with the passing of her beloved dachshund, Gretchen.  There were many profound teachings from her guides in spirit, Sanaya, regarding the human grieving process. These teachings included a valuable breathing exercise, and understandings about feelings and patterns in our lives. Questions were answered about euthanasia , pets on the other side, the forms we take on the other side, and how to respond to the suffering in this realm.

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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