“Is it real or is it my imagination, this experience I had with my loved one who passed?” You know the truth in your heart. That lift, that special feeling, that undeniable presence, the unexpectedness. All of this together will never let you forget that visit. Trust these ways of knowing. Notice how the human side of you tries to talk you out of it. Others may try as well. Hold it dear in your heart, this special connection. It need not be diminished by doubt. What is needed is trust … and appreciation for the efforts they have gone to to let you know, “I live on, I love you, and I am still right here.”
You are so very loved.
Thank you, I love you mama ? so much.
Yes! Thank you so much! I was beginning to doubt, and you have brought me firmly back to the Truth! They LIVE ON. THEY ARE WITH US ALWAYS.
Thank you as always. My son is a busy bee and he visits me often. In the most bizarre ways. Most often a bee ?
So sweet Tamara, just want to share my son transioned 3 years ago he was our world, so close to us here in the physcial world & has sent so many signs ,happenings & visits , esp once i started reaching out to him,i journal everything because, its all so amazing, i know there is no doubt that they are still right here, love & Hugs from one mom to another & Thumbs up to our beautiful sons! (:
Symbolism of right rear. Right rear wheel of my truck problems subtle but a headache for years. First wheel bearing then new grease seal leaking electric plug I broke when upset friend called at that moment also on rear wheel assembly. Brand new tires on truck. Right rear wheel picks up screw in such a way that needs patching at shop three times because continues leaking air. My horse catches his right hind shoe on something pulls it and gets a swollen ankle at same time screw problem is going on. Tire is again leaking air. Even a rock would get the sense someone is trying to tell me something. Sanaya want to give direction on this?
Yes, do the SIP of the Divin (See Youtube video) and ask!
Oh Suzanne, yes to these real moments but may I share how my love for my mother was enlarge hugely when she shared she heard a voice warn that my brother David was “on short loan” when he was born. Hearing this years after David left us has left a mark in my soul, a beautiful memory impossible to forget.
Your message today was for me.
I have wondered this almost daily. For almost 30 years.
It is of some reassurance to be reminded that yes, it was real. I did not imagine it.
I am not crazy. Because you wonder. It makes you feel possibly a bit insane.
Thank you for this “Real” post.
Thanks again for helping me to keep believing. Since I have made comments in the past, I hope it is okay to make another comment. Sometimes there is doubt in your mind and you wonder if it is your husband’s voice you hear or only your own thoughts. I do hear him say to me in my head, “It is me, Believe!” I often say Suzanne says that I must believe. When you get a sign that only could be from your loved one, it is hard not to believe. I will share two recent signs that make me believe. Seeing birds is our way of connecting. This year I have seen so many more great blue herons than I ever have seen in my whole life, almost every day in different unexpected places since that is what I told him to show me in addition to other special birds. I know he is showing me these signs of birds to let me know he is with me. When he was alive he would always say that he wanted to make me happy so I think he still wants to make me happy. Two incidents happened that makes it hard not to believe it was him. First one day while looking at a great blue heron in the stream I said to him,” I haven’t seen any white great egrets in a long time.” It actually has been several years. The next day I crossed the red covered bridge I cross almost daily and there standing in the water was a white great egret. I could not believe he did this. I had just mentioned it to him the day before. I do talk to him all the time especially while driving. The next day I drove past a pond where in the past we have seen an osprey occasionally, but we haven’t seen one there for several years. As I drove past this pond I said aloud,” I’d like to see an osprey again”. Believe it or not the following day crossing that red covered bridge I saw a bird fly into a tree. I looked and there was an osprey. He flew and then landed in another dead tree. I haven’t seen one for many years. I know my husband somehow showed me the two birds I had just said that I’d like to see again. Yes, both times I cried. I knew he was with me. I hope reading these stories will help someone talk to their loved one and believe. I know it is hard. Even though I get signs all the time, it is still hard to believe that he is actually with me, but in my heart, I know he is. I know he showed me the great egret and the osprey. I know he will show me more signs to help me know he is with me. Thanks agin Suzanne. You are a blessing, and you are loved especially by me.
Hello Suzanne, I’m a long long away, in Australia, Melbourne, Brunswick, I’ve had a few spiritual experiences myself, I’ve listened to several YouTube teachings of yours, I’ve turned to science to link up the experiences with science, Michio Kaku, who refers to a 5th force, mentions telepathy and psychic phenomena, one of your clips, you were describing tubules which are in the brain, like a shaft of light, I became more conscious when my kundalini opened my body to the light, I saw my father, in a holographic image, sometimes I see them, seeing and hearing happens, sometimes thru songs too, my mother came thru a song she sung, in Italian, so nice to know their souls exist still, you are aware of the latest documentary, “Surviving Death” it came out this year, I think, I really enjoyed your interview with Camille Dan, hopefully get the book, I have a image of a wolf on my front door and I was watching your readings on story of Wolf, my neighbour had passed on Mary, I wasn’t aware of it, until another neighbour informed me, Mary was in my kitchen, I knew she was in my kitchen, near a heater, she asked me, what I was watching casually, “what are you watching” I wasn’t afraid, because she was my neighbour, I didn’t answer her as I was to engrossed in your stage discussion on Wolf. ? Love the images and daily messages, bless you and me and our families
Thank-you Suzanne,i Know for certain that my son Jordan is still here i have had many signs & strong visits since his Transition, i love that he is so faithful to us , i have no reason to doubt he lives, across the veil,sending love,…Jordans mom. xx
This Daily Way came a few days after my 2nd biggest “visit” of my dear husband who passed 21 months ago in the form of a bracelet he gave me. (He loved to gift me with Tiffany bracelets) A silver bracelet he gave me for our 8th anniversary with an infinity “8” charm on it was on my wrist , I look at my bracelets a lot and touch them and think good thoughts. I was traveling early that morning and was on the train to JFK and touched my bracelets as I do- the 8 bracelet was on my wrist. I got to the airport- it was not on my wrist……. Since he has passed , as you know, it actually becomes easier to let the little things go even though I was heartbroken about my bracelet, I was on my way to go hiking in Yellowstone Park and just couldn’t let the loss of my bracelet ruin my trip.
Long, long, LONG story- but when I got back to NYC, I was barely in the door and checked my apartment head to toe: did it come off in the bed? No. Was it in the carpet in my bedroom? No. I ran my arm on top of the bedspread, inside the bed, all along the carpet. No,no,no.
This was on Saturday, a week after I had left. I guess I lost it on the way to the airport…. (almost done with story !) I proceeded to go on line and order the exact bracelet as a replacement because I’m like that. Stayed Saturday evening at my apartment and left for my house in CT the next morning. I did a little automatic writing back and forth from me to my husband on my computer and he “answering” me from his computer which I still have. On Sunday July 30th I wrote that I hadn’t had a sign in a long time and needed one , or a visit as soon as he could be there. I told him about the bracelet and said if he had taken it because he had a new love in his life and gave it to her, I was happy for him. I wished him love. My “new” bracelet came 2 days later in the mail and I put it on, headed back to NY on Tuesday and had dinner with a friend that night, new bracelet on. I got home from dinner and was getting ready for bed watching the news, sitting on my bed, and there stretched out in a perfect straight line in the middle of my bed, was the original bracelet, just sitting there. As Suzanne calls it “NOE” no other explanation. I had slept in the bed the night I got back from my trip and I am a bit of a tossed/turner – on top of the covers/ back in type of sleeper. There is no way the bracelet had been on the bed then and then just appear in a perfect straight stretched out line…I sat there on my bed, holding my breath for what seemed like an hour. Thanks for reading. I’m still freaking out obviously from the length of this comment !