Do not panic when an ability you have seems to have disappeared or waned a bit. This is a fallow time, ripe for growth. Prepare for a breakthrough. Perhaps what you were doing before seemed to be working, but could there be a better way? Always, dear one. When you get stuck in patterns that are no longer serving you, Spirit may pull back awareness of the gifts to give you a greater one. Grow excited. New adventures await. Always. Be open, flow, and grow.
You are so very loved.
When you come to the point in life in which you realize the deep and profoundly sincere efforts you have made to assist ones you love (that have addiction issues,) have made you an enabler, of long standing, it can make you feel as if a truck has come at you at 60 miles per hour.
Turning away… is intensely difficult with emotions and realities vying for space to survive while the issues remain the same as if stagnant. The “isnt that interesting” hasn’t yet carry enough weight to stop neither the tearing at your heart nor altering the fact that, at the very least, family needs to support family. Suddenly everything i have learned about living well fails to support the mess. I know the addict’s journey is not my responsibility, but what is my responsibility when my brother the addict is no longer mentally capable of being and behaving responsibly though he doesn’t/cannot believe that is true. But it is true.
I sit and watch this all going down. I scream a gut-wrenching scream inside. Is this progress in growth? It pains like it might be, though it doesn’t feel right… …yet anyway. The only “strong” thing i am doing is staying turned away… and don’t know how to do this well. My addiction to enabling should be suffocating when it screams a gut-wrenching scream but because it knew how to care, it seizes its breath with great gusto.
God help us.
Hi Mare, Here is a beautiful message from Sanaya. I think we all could use this reminder in so many different circumstances. With love, Stephanie
From Sanaya
By giving power to the drama of another, you are not helping them. By remaining detached yet fully compassionate, you are able to receive insights and guidance from the state beyond the drama from which the highest solutions arise. The human side loves drama. It wants to bring others along for the ride. When more than one is being tossed about, it is difficult to steer the ship. You will take turns experiencing drama. When it is not your turn, be the steady hand that listens with love, surrounds the other whose turn it is with love, and do all that you can for them from the heart without adding to the story.
You are so very loved.
Thank you so much for being a steady-hand helper Stephanie. Of course, you’re right, and Sanaya IS an excellent reminder.
Had i been speaking of anyone other than this one person, i likely could have kept it together much much better. This one had me plucked – and Sanayas’ message from you was a huge reminder i need to be compassionate, in my brothers case, in a different way than what we are both used to.
The learning curve certainly has arcs of various radii eh. 🤔
Love to you💐
Thanks again!