It is all about union, this life you are living. Communion, reunion … what do these words have in common? Coming together. Relationship beyond the self. Many of the challenges you face arise due to the focus on the self, which lives by fear. You may think you must be independent, but no human can survive beyond the interactive systems within which you thrive. See the connections. Value your role within the web. Unite your heart with the one Heart and blessings will be the result.
You are so very loved.
This is so true, I think I should be independent. But I need daily communion with God first than others
I need to not think of myself and fears. Going beyond and thinking of others
We are so very loved. Thank you
Everything we do can be about unions. Sharing what we learn, sharing what we do, sharing what we are, sharing what we have, shsring what we need, sharing our resources, sharing methods, sharing hopes, sharing sharing…
Sharing love.
We are nothing without each other. We are interdependent, inter-responsible, interlycapable, interlyknowing and a reflection of all, a bit of God.