Memories long forgotten remain in your energy field. Are you afraid to look at them? Do not be. What you fear persists. Look and see that they are part of your wholeness. All stories have ups and downs, happy parts and sad parts. What you reject keeps you from realizing and experiencing your wholeness. At the deeper levels you are whole and complete. Harness this wholeness, see the story for what it is, and stand tall and proud that you are taking the ride. In this is great healing. You are so very loved.
Accepting the life/lives you have lived is the business of the ‘ever-changing landscape’ in which you rediscover changes (or lack thereof) that you, (your self) have made. It is the circle that spirals in tiny waves or huge spacious gusts. It is how we learn where we stood and where we stand. And though the “spot” where we be, is never permanent, we might well be holding ourselves back but that too has the movement that spirals at a certain pace. Be it tiny steps or huge leaps… it is you who asks for or refuses help from those in the beyond. You get the help you need – eventually – (events you ally) and it will be for the greater good; not just you.
I’m amazed how timely this is for me. I am first reading it a day after shedding tears of painful past memories that I got to travel back upon. Today I feel fresher, but still a bit bruised. It takes time, and so grateful to have your daily messages!1