I admit it: last night I wanted to give up. Maybe it was the result of two long days of driving. Maybe it was just too many toxic headlines in my face. Whatever it was, I admit I grew a bit discouraged. Here we are near Kansas City so I can help others to make the connection with Spirit this weekend at Unity Village, the headquarters for Unity worldwide. The excitement had been building all week, and then, this big low that felt so awful and so foreign.
I teach people to be aware of their emotions, and let me tell you, I was quite aware of being out of balance. I announced that I was going to bed early, knowing that Ty could feel my funk. I pulled the covers up to my chin and thought, “This world is full of people who hurt others and find pleasure in it. I can’t deny this. The world is full of people who hate. This I know.” On the verge of crying, I gazed upward and prayed with all my heart, “Help me! What do I need right now?”
And in that moment, my prayer was answered. A story I have not thought of in well over a year was suddenly front and center in my mind. It is right there in the front of my book, Wolf’s Message, and many of you will recognize it:
“A Native American grandfather is talking to his grandson about a recent tragedy in their tribe. He says, “I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is angry and wants revenge. The other is understanding and feels compassion.” The grandson asks him, “Which wolf will win?” The grandfather answers, “The one I feed.”
Oh, my. That’s the answer, isn’t it? As Sanaya put it so clearly in this morning’s message, we chose to come here to “play” a while in this challenging game of life. It’s one big dance back and forth between the opposites, as Wolf showed so clearly with the yin-yang symbol at the center of his final drawing.
It’s natural to feel the despair, just as it’s natural to
feel the anger, the judgment, and all those other emotions that go along with being human, but we get to choose which wolf we feed.
I felt Wolf’s presence so clearly last night, and no wonder. His human birthday is coming up this weekend, and Mike and Beth will be here to share in the Unity retreat. We’ll honor him together, but today? I’m gonna feed the wolf inside that understands why humans are the way we are. I’m going to feed the one that feels compassion, and I’m just going to keep the light burning. Thank you, Wolf.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing..love you
Love you Suzanne! ♡
Of all the things I love about you Suzanne, I think I love your willingness to show your “humanness” best of all.
Cannot say it any better than Patty ~ it is lovely to see that on occasion you admit to feeling the human emotions that we ‘mortals’ feel entirely too often. Take care and feel the love from your circle.
Oh my goodness! This post was so needed today. Thank you!! Please never give up.
Awesome share Suzanne.
Whew-me too & thank you…
Oh Suzanne. This is exactly what I’ve needed. To hear even you as the person I most look up to and learn from feels unbalanced and frustrated at times I SO helpful. Thank you Suzanne Janine
I think we are all feeling sorrow for so many reasons this summer. If it hits you, imagine how hard it hits those of us who try, but can’t yet hear their guides speak clearly. Your messages, and those of Sanaya, are what help me to feed the “good wolf”. So don’t give up. And thank you.
This made me cry. I, too, appreciate your willingness to share your lows as well as the divine highs and the loving, peaceful way you live most of the time. The peaceful wolf is winning. It is. How wonderful that your team gathers together to lift you up when humanness comes to the fore. You are so very loved.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I too have been having this hopeless feeling with all that is around us now. I needed the reminder, and I too shall feed the compassionate wolf. Love to you!
I’ve been feeling this way too. Thanks for this post❤️
Thank you Suzanne, that was beautiful and so thought provoking, sending you love and energy for you messages and journey this week.
Blessings, Cynthia,
I had the privilege to see you Tucson, I really enjoyed you and your talk, I hope to read your books soon and hope to have a reading someday soon as well.
Much appreciation for disclosing your process through this message!
I too was feeling a sense of hopelessness this AM since I have been feeling some lingering effects of a vertigo attack I had on Monday. Was ready to just give up my dream of being a reiki practitioner but read your post and it gave me much hope. Thank you so much.
Wow! Very powerful message for all of us. We are all so blessed to have you on our journey. Sending love and light?
HEY Suzanne,
I see this as a way you are sharing the “oneness”…with all of us! Many of us have been in that funky mood, feeling overwhelmed, at times hopeless and exhausted, wondering where it’s all leading to. The grandfather’s tale of the wolf simplifies it. You asked, and you received. Spirit will always honor both our humaness and our true Self. Spirit is the comforter, the guide, the one that is always with us. Clearly, the vibration of our thoughts create our mood. Let us be reminded of that, even when dealing with overwhelming emotion. Bless you for sharing your humaness. ?????
Simple yet Powerful
I do not watch the news anymore. It is so full of negativity, it hurts my heart. Why would I choose to hurt my heart? I am content to ‘be’ and fill my world with things that bring me joy. I read stories that lift me up and try to be the friend to others that I would want to have. Kind of common sense when you really think about it. You are one of my people of joy. I know I can be uplifted every single time I read something you have written or heard any of your messages. Thank you for being that joy in the world we need to hear from every now and then, to ground us and keep us peaceful.
Suzanne, your “Help me” prayer will be answered in yet another way for the remainder of the week: ALL OF US now have the privilege of lifting YOU up, sending you energy, and surrounding you with love throughout your preparation period and the entire Unity Village retreat. Count on us. <3
I love you all!
Getting excited and ready for Unity Village too. Yesterday, I had a challenging out of sorts day as well. Was on the verge of tears. I decided that I needed balancing and refocusing. I put on headphones and went through a strong chakra balancing meditation. Next, I listened again to your channeling of Jesus from December. After that, all was well again. So wonderful how it works to refocus and claim that love space instead of the upset space. Thanks for all you do. See you this weekend!
Suzanne, your fine-tuned discipline as you sought understanding and relief from earthly anguish served you well, directing you to the two wolf story asap. Your skills are as sharp as ever as you forged through the funk to the light. Thank you, Suzanne, for this reminder to relieve anguish by purging our perspective and filling it with love and compassion, the ultimate gift.
Suzanne, just want to say thankyou for your daily writings. Ever since reading your book and being blessed with a reading from you, my life and the life of my grandson Matthew has been forever changed. We now have a hope we didn’t have before that we will be re-united with my daughter, (Matt’s mom) and my son Billy. You have brought peace into our lives and I am forever in your debt. May God bless you always Suzanne.
Wow! this is so timely for me. I felt like I needed more Vitamin D to raise my spirits and I watched the concern within me – battling the two sides. Your experience and words resonated with me and now I know what it was all about. Thank you for sharing your experience and your good work — it matters.