Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And how many beholders are there? This is why two people can gaze upon a piece of art and have two different reactions to it. This is beauty at the surface level. Now move awareness from the eyes to the heart. You know goodness when you feel it. You recognize kindness and compassion. This type of beauty is known by all. Those who do not express it have hardened the heart, or put another way, shut off their awareness of their most intrinsic nature as a result of being hurt. It is a protective measure. Turn up your own compassion when you behold hidden beauty, and we dare say you will help those walls to crumble.
You are so very loved.
Yes, I try to see beauty and kindness in everyone because I think of everyone as a work of art. Sometimes my vision is challenged by the kind of person I’m viewing/with, sometimes by the what’s in me as the person I am. My vision is what needs to be enlarged and changed.
Beauty was one of the topics of this morning…and this message remains of me once again the trinity of goodness, truth and beauty. Thank you so much.
Will we spend Eternity with our spouses and family even after we merge into the source?
This message resonates deeply with me, not just for works of visual art, but also for music written, works art and nature, etc….any creative work.
Who is the artist of the painting pictured here? Thank you so much.