The soul is fine. It is the part of the soul that is playing a role which has forgotten who it really is. Can you imagine an actor playing a role so completely that they act only as the role even when off the stage? Perhaps you have heard this analogy when referring to the soul. It is not completely accurate. You, the soul are quite aware of who you are. In the case of being human, the aspect of you that interacts with other human roles has co-opted the soul, running a bit amok without listening to the soul’s guidance. The human aspect seems to take on a life of its own, but this is quite impossible, dear one. If you are experiencing chaos, or anything less than the exhibition of the soul’s true nature, you, the role are ignoring the soul that is here and now. Take off the costume, why don’t you and let the wise one run the show.
You are so very loved.
Boom! so simple, but my human self gets in the way, although not quite as much as before,, tnx to personal growth, maturity, and ‘openness’. Tnx Suzanne/Sanaya ?
Hi Suzanne
I listened to your YouTube with Michael Sandler today. I like you, your a nice lady. Anytime I get stuck in the mud, there is a lesson to help pull me back out. Today was a reminder to just let go and the peace began to flow again. TB
I, also came to this website after watching the video interview with Michael Sandler. It is so meaningful to me that you, Suzanne, were formerly a military woman, and are now channeling Sanaya. It gives me hope that this information is being revealed more and more through individuals who one wouldn’t expect. I will keep exploring your work and just want to say that I appreciate meeting you through that interview! I was transported for hours while I wrote in my journal all the topics you covered that have recently been addressed in my women’s group and/or in my own exploration of spirit.