“You push yourself too hard.” Perhaps you have heard this said about yourself. Why the pushing? Why the striving? We understand. It comes from this longing, this need, this feeling that something is missing. It keeps you looking, moving, doing, and yet, you never seem to “get there.” The reason why, dear friend, is because that which you seek—the feeling of wholeness and completion—is not out there, but at your very essence. It is always and already here. Think blue sky and clouds. Get your head out of the clouds and you will find that which has never left you and which you can never leave—utter and total wholeness beneath all the thoughts and feelings. Spend time observing the sky and breathing instead of doing. Do so with the intention of knowing peace and be prepared to exhale. Relief is Here.
You are so very loved.
Thank you , I am new to your site, but enjoy this very much, looking forward to every new inspiration. Love and light Ingrid
Welcome, and blessings!
I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO YOU:). My son transitioned 8 months ago and I signed up for your mediumship course to learn how to better connect with him. He and I have been having profound connections since he passed, including two dream visitations, countless communications telepathically, readings from medium, and even an email(which I have turned in to Mark Pitstick for research). Even messages in your book Wolf’s Message connected us (my favorite animal that I relate to has always been a wolf and Sean brought that through in readings). But what I experienced last Friday as a result of your teachings was the most exquisite confirmation of Spirit.
You had us break out into groups and I admittedly always rescinded the chance to be the reader. That was never my original intention. However, a woman request that I try. I had never ever done something like that, but somehow received clear connection, receiving so much detailed information that the sitter confirmed is accurate. We were both so amazed. I just could hear her so clearly. But what blew me away most was the DEEP love I felt move through my Spirit as it reached through and enveloped the sitter. We both just cried, full of the love we both were experiencing. If this is what Spirit feels like for my son, my mother’s heart can rest more peacefully. I am so grateful for your guidance and even if I never can connect with Spirit in a reading like that again, the fact that I got the chance to send that amount of love and healing to another human being was the most sacred opportunity-and I have you to thank for this:). What a life altering experience. I will leave it up to Spirit to guide me on what/how I can be used to help others, but I know for certain now where my son is and that he gets to experience that indescribable elation all the time. I would like to repay you somehow. I teach the blind. If you ever have friends/family in need of blind services of ANY KIND, I am here just waiting to return the favor for you! I just want to give back somehow and this is my niche:).
I would have loved to meet you at the Helping Parents Heal but they sold out. I am on waitlist. Anyways, I appreciate you even taking time to read this email. Eternally eternally grateful…..
Thrilled for you, Cathy! And I know your son is, too. You are uncovering who we all are!
Already here, already now, already this. We are the Fullness of Being, noticed within stillness, mind at rest. The clarity of the love We are shares itself through us, sometimes when heart is broken open, sometimes when in the depths of despair & grief. Allowing ourselves to let go into the vast Wholeness of beloved being, not only at the end of life, but even here & now within the life that is being lived—that which is livingness itself—we catch a glimpse, or rest and bask in the sureness of our Already Nature, Our True Nature, Our Love.
Thank you for reflecting with such lovely clarity & simplicity these truths. You do a great service with the channeling & sharing for each & all as you do. Deep bow of appreciation.
Beautifully said, Joel.